Med-e-Tel 2008 topics will include personal health systems, chronic disease management, elderly care, telenursing, nursing informatics, behavioural telehealth, telepsychology, biomedical technologies, ehealth in developing countries and low resource settings, distance education and elearning, wireless and mobile solutions, sustainability and economic efficiency of telemedicine and ehealth services, interoperability, international initiatives and developments, project reviews and updates.
The exhibition that forms the centerpiece of the Med-e-Tel event will feature a look at some practical developments that have been made in the area of telemedicine and ehealth. Products and technologies that are available from a range of medical, IT and telecom companies will be on show, including homecare monitoring devices, ambient intelligence solutions, personal health record applications, assistive technology, mobile clinical devices, data transfer and archiving tools, and more. If you would also like to become part of the event as an exhibitor or sponsor, please contact Med-e-Tel 2008 organisers.
Online visitor registration for the event will be available in just a few days from now and an early bird fee will be applied for registrations received on or before February 15th.
For further information, please visit:
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- Med-e-Tel's Profile
About Med-e-Tel
Med-e-Tel focuses on ehealth and telemedicine applications and a wide range of other medical ICT applications and on the convergence of information and communication technology with medical applications, which lead to higher quality of care, cost reductions, workflow efficiency, and widespread availability of healthcare services.
The "Med" in Med-e-Tel stands for healthcare services (institutional and home based care, prevention and education) and for medical products and equipment (medical imaging equipment, monitoring devices, electronic health records, etc.).
The "e" stands for the electronic and IT industry and services (hard- & software, internet, e-mail, etc.).
The "Tel" stands for telecommunications (whether it is POTS, ISDN, wireless, satellite, videoconferencing, VoIP, or other).
For further information, please visit www.medetel.lu.