The ICW Healthcare Connector based on SINA is a joint development of eHealth specialist InterComponentWare AG (ICW) and secunet Security Networks AG (secunet), the specialist for IT security.
The ProOnline VSDD scenario describes the practice-oriented testing and online checking and updating of policy holder data in the test regions. Now that gematik has granted approval, the Versichertenstammdatendienst [Policy Holder Data Service] (VSDD) - a central part of the telematics infrastructure - can be implemented into the field test. The policy holders use their Policy Holder Data Sets (VSD) to show that they are entitled to statutory medical care services. The physician uses the VSD as a basis for their invoices to the German Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (kassenärztliche Vereinigungen) and statutory health insurers. As part of the AOK family doctor program in Baden-Württemberg, almost half of the 3,000 participating physicians are already using an ICW Healthcare Connector and the underlying infrastructure to securely invoice their services online and to be able to prescribe daily medications according to the latest standard.
The ICW Healthcare Connector can be managed and updated remotely. This eliminates the need for expensive and intrusive on-site maintenance.
The connection to value-added services also enables it to securely communicate with other eHealth online services.
The ICW Healthcare Connector based on SINA combines highest security standards with energy-saving technology and attractive design. It does not require active cooling, which is why it generates absolutely no noise. It has been developed on the basis of SINA technology from secunet, which has been serving to provide highly secure connections over public networks: For example, numerous national and international government agencies use it for their data traffic. ICW developed the hardware, which is solely manufactured in Germany.
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About ICW
InterComponentWare AG (ICW) is a leading international eHealth specialist with locations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria, USA, and Canada. ICW delivers an interoperable eHealth infrastructure and a range of end-user applications for healthcare professionals and their patients. ICW technology enables organizations to extend their existing information systems, connect with diverse systems, and create a secure patient health record based on aggregated data. The interoperability and health information exchange components of its solutions make aggregated data a reality. ICW has successfully implemented its solutions across Europe and in North America. Visit online at www.icw-global.com.