ICW's approach to integrating electronic forms takes into account the entire workflow associated with forms, from central creation to distributed use and the structured storage of data. The ICW FormDesigner is the key component of the concept. The ICW FormDesigner allows electronic forms to be created intuitively or to be efficiently digitized based on paper templates. It also makes it easy to seamlessly re-use parts of forms in various other forms. The integrated workflow control enables flexible modelling of custom logic and business processes.
The seamless integration of the ICW FormDesigner into the ClinicCentre Hospital Information System is based on a Service Module. Modern technologies (SOA) are combined with international communication standards (e.g. HL7 V3) for the Service Module, so that the data input can be fully processed in the HIS without the need for conversion. Customers of iSOFT can therefore benefit from an efficient tool for the individual configuration of forms and data input templates. The emphasis is on ease-of-use and the consistent implementation of structured documentation based on the international standard for the seamless exchange of medical documents.
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- InterComponentWare AG (ICW)'s Profile
About InterComponentWare AG (ICW)
ICW is an international software company in the healthcare market, based in Walldorf, Germany. Its products and solutions support multiple stakeholders and integrate heterogeneous systems (connect), improve the efficiency of managing a patient through the care continuum (manage) and facilitate the engagement of patients in the treatment process (personalize). Its products are based on the latest technologies and standards for rapid development and flexible implementation of integrated eHealth scenarios. Together with its partners, ICW delivers safe and sustainable eHealth solutions for more than 20 million patients and 10,000 providers.