Beginning in October, SCM's eHealth terminals will be available in significant volumes for general practitioners, pharmacists, hospitals and other healthcare providers - just in time for the start of the rollout of the electronic health card, a program that is expected to include up to 82 million German citizens.
"SCM Microsystems continues to demonstrate technology leadership in developing secure terminals for the electronic health card program in Germany. We have continued to partner closely with gematik and the healthcare industry to develop and refine terminal specifications, ensuring that relevant medical data can be rapidly accessed while sensitive patient records are protected. Our eHealth200 BCS termimal is a device that also protects the investment of healthcare providers, as it addresses both current and future program requirements," said Dietmar Wendling, vice president eGovernment of SCM Microsystems.
The eHealth200 BCS terminal is an advanced version of SCM's eHealth100 terminal, which has been in wide use in field trials since 2006. It adheres to the "eHealth BCS" specifications of the gematik, which stipulate that the terminals must comply to the strict security requirements of the BSI. Not only must the devices work in the initial, offline environment within each healthcare facility, but they also must be firmware upgradable to operate within the planned "telematiks" structure that will eventually link all healthcare providers in Germany within a common network. This is a critical component of Germany's electronic health card program, as additional and extended applications will be dissiminated to healthcare providers through the tekematiks network. SCM's eHealth200 BCS terminal can be used throughout all stages of implementation of the electronic health card in Germany, as the program evolves and changes. In addition to the health insurance card (KVK) currently used in Germany, the eHealth200 BCS also reads the soon-to-be-deployed electronic health card. Furthermore, the terminal works with the health professional card (HPC), which allows every professional in the healthcare sector to securely access and edit patient data; and the Secure Module Card (SMC) in ID-000 format for secure data communication.
Based on the agreement of German health insurance companies and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, purchases of the terminals will be subsidized for approved general practitioners and care providers.
Related news articles:
- eHealth Card Terminal from SCM Microsystems Receives GEMATIK Certification
- SCM Microsystems' eHealth100 Terminal First to Receive GEMATIK Qualification
About SCM Microsystems
SCM Microsystems is a leading provider of solutions that open the Digital World by enabling people to conveniently access digital content and services. The company develops, markets and sells the industrys broadest range of contact and contactless smart card reader technology for secure PC, payment systems, network and physical access, and digital media readers for transfer of digital content to OEM customers in the government, financial, enterprise, consumer electronics and photographic equipment markets worldwide. Global headquarters are in Ismaning, Germany. For additional information, visit the SCM Microsystems web site at www.scmmicro.com.