A driving force of MedXchange's development was the need to get access in a controlled manner to medical data which are relevant for decision making in several circumstances, including urgent situations. This implies a central repository of data so-called metadata- which are imported from files of general practitioners, specialists, hospitals, medical laboratories or pharmacists. Detailed information, such as day-to-day medical documentation during a stay in a hospital, is centrally stored where is has been created.
Dr. Joachim Kell, MedXchange CEO, states that "Since I'm myself a doctor, the IEHR application is conceived to feature the logical interoperability, which is an asset for gaining market acceptance." Sharing of the IEHR is under the responsibility of the patient, who plays an active role as partner to take full benefit of the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the health reform and modernization, which is underway in Europe and elsewhere. Trust and confidentiality in MedXchange application are generated by using a server operated by a certified Trust Center, involved as well in banking activities. Access to the application is simply made through a graphical interface to persons having the access rights. Currently the right to access to medical data relies on a PIN code, or other authentication methods might be introduced in future to cover emerging more secure technologies, if the need arises.
MedXchange's platform relies on open standards and medical data can be loaded in different formats.
Efficiency and quality are obviously impacted by the fact that the most important medical information is available in real time anytime, anywhere through Internet for optimal decision making. Data access is provided only to care providers who are involved. Verification can be made with "backlogging", which is part of MedXchange's quality system.
Patients, who are travelling, can bring with them their IEHR, as a copy of the information centrally stored on the server used by MedXchange. The physical support can be a mini-CD, USB stick or a medical card to be inserted to the USB port.
MedXchange provides therefore to the patient a tool for empowerment and sharing responsibility regarding his health. It provides to health professionals the mean to increase their efficiency and avoid medical errors in a whole range of domains, such as Case & Disease Management -using evidence-based medicine (EBM) for good medical practice-, Managed Care, Second opinion or medical registers, which require exchanging information within networks.
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About MedXchange
MedXchange Inc., a Swiss company located in Zurich, is a precursor in medical informatics active in the exchange of medical data since 10+ years. Development of a management system for Integrated Electronic Health Record (IEHR) has been led by its doctors with a vast experience in medicine and processes for providing cares. The development environment was on purpose defined for large-scale commercial applications and not for academic applications. MedXchange relies on a Trust center for operating the server enabling the use of its web-based application. For further information, please visit http://www.medxchange.org.