With its emerging watch and R&D activities, discover a video presenting how Orange is harnessing the latest trends and innovations in the health sector and preparing its future services.
R&D and e-health
Pierre Thorel: Head of R&D e-health program, Orange Labs Grenoble
Salim Zabir: Senior researcher, Orange Labs Tokyo
Adam Odessky: Product manager, Orange Silicon Valley, San Francisco
remote data collection
In the future, it will be possible to collect patient health data remotely and make it available to the relevant people thanks to the standardization work accomplished by the Continua alliance, a consortium of businesses whose mission is to promote the collection of health data. This international project, which Orange is involved in, is already making it possible to envisage a wide range of e-health services.
Olivier Graille: e-Healthcare standardization manager, Orange Labs Grenoble
Philippe Genestier: Remote data collection activities project leader, Orange Labs Grenoble
emergency services access
To improve communication and accessibility concerning emergency services for disabled, deaf and hearing impaired people, Orange is actively involved in the collaborative European project REACH112.
Laurent Faucillon: REACH112 project leader, Orange Labs Lannion