Now in its seventh year, Cisco’s Connected Santa CSR programme uses the company’s Telepresence and video collaboration technology installed in the hospital. It gives young patients and their families the opportunity to speak directly to Santa in the North Pole.
"Being in hospital over Christmas means children often miss out on the magic of Christmas, and that includes visiting Santa Claus," said Sue Pruden, Play Specialist at Evelina London Children’s Hospital. "Cisco's Connected Santa campaign brings that all-important Christmas sparkle to the ward. It puts a smile on all of our faces and helps to provide an enjoyable experience for the children, their family and friends, at what can be a very difficult time."
Phil Smith, CEO of Cisco UK and Ireland, said "Santa is very busy over Christmas but by using video technology we are able to ensure that young patients get a well-deserved visit from him. The bravery of the children we meet, and those who look after them, is inspirational and incredibly overwhelming. We are happy that we're able to bring some Christmas joy into the lives of both the children and their families."
Cisco employees have contributed over 500 presents online and in person.
Cisco’s Connected Santa campaign has been taking place at the following hospitals in the UK and Ireland:
- Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
- Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital, London
- Glasgow Hospital for Sick Children
- Nottingham Children’s Hospital
- Birmingham Children’s Hospital
- Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin, Dublin
- University College Hospital, Galway
- Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Londonderry
- Cork University Hospital
- University of Wales Children’s Hospital, Cardiff
About Cisco
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO), is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet.