Snapshot and Timeline
Delivered via the portal, Medelinked Snapshot, which can be displayed on a PC, Apple Mac or any iOS or Android tablet or smartphone, enables doctor and patient to use the Medelinked Partner Health Portal to be partners in health management and giving GPs as much as two minutes extra time per consultation.*
Also delivered via the portal Medelinked Personal Health Timeline allows doctors and healthcare professionals to get a rapid overview of their patient or client's history - including medical reports, records, messages, x-rays and scans. All are presented in a simple, clear, linear and familiar social timeline manner increasing the time doctors and healthcare professional have to focus on their patients and clients.
Medelinked Health Partner Portal also enables doctors and healthcare professionals to engage securely with their patients and clients by via email, voice, text, video and instant messaging. This gives them real time interaction for faster and more effective consultations, recommendations and review as well as preventing unnecessary appointments that could be dealt with remotely.
Free to doctors and healthcare professionals
As part of connecting, communicating and collaborating securely in real time with all of their patients and clients that have a Medelinked health account they can also receive documents and health partner share requests from existing Medelinked patient and client members enabling them to connect into their network.
Uploading a record is a quick, easy and secure. Examples of the type of health information that can be sent and received include from a Medelinked account include medical reports, consultation notes, blood results, x-rays, scans etc.
Single common graphical view crucial supporting health state information
The simple, clear Medelinked Snapshot appears as a full-screen dashboard in the doctor or healthcare professional's Medelinked portal which they can view before the patient or client's appointment.
Medelinked Snapshot supplies an easy and quick to read and interpret single common graphical view crucial supporting health state information numbers such as: blood glucose and cholesterol levels; calorie intake; weight; waist size; exercise levels and blood pressure as well as featuring contacts details and space for the patient to describe their symptoms and wellness.
Patients fill out a simple survey about the current state of their health, select the health records they want to share and send the snapshot of their health state to their doctor or other healthcare professional on the move or from the comfort of their home or office.
Smartphones and access to NHS GP records
Ian Gallifant, founder and CEO, Medelinked says: "Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, said recently at the NHS Innovation Expo that it is his ambition was to get 15 per cent of NHS patients routinely and safely reading and adding to their online medical records using smartphones apps in the next 12 months. Medelinked can make this happen and Snapshot will make those records truly useful to patient and practitioner alike."
* Based on NHS Choices data that an average GP consultation time is 8-10 minutes
About Medelinked
Leveraging mobile technology and the cloud, Medelinked technology aims to increase health care effectiveness.
Medelinked Health Cloud and API is the leading platform already powering some of the best mHealth applications allowing developers to create a series of new applications that deliver real health benefits to the end user and healthcare professionals.
Using Medelinked individuals are able to create a health profile online that is secure and connect and share their health record with their network of trusted health partners and providers (including doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, trainers, insurers, clinical researchers).
Managing all health data in one place helps individuals securely track, monitor and improve their health state, ensuring their latest health data is accessed and enabling the provision of best possible care, keeping individuals in control of their own health.
Based in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, Medelinked was founded in 2005.
Visit www.medelinked.com to learn more.