The integration with Slack, a team collaboration and messaging tool, and Telegram, a secure mobile and desktop messaging app, marks the first step in Your.MD's plan to make its free healthcare service available to users on their favourite messaging platform. This will allow smartphone users access to the most powerful digitalised healthcare assistance at their fingertips, without the need to download a separate app.
Matteo Berlucchi, Your.MD's chief executive, said: "Messengers will become the new platforms where smartphone users can access their favourite services; the integration of our personal health assistant with both Slack and Telegram represents a huge milestone in making tailored and accurate healthcare available to all."
He continued: "At Your.MD we are doing something truly revolutionary. We are building the most advanced medical data model in the world and then use AI to adapt it to each person's unique profile. We also use Machine Learning to automatically improve the service. We learn from every interaction, so the more people use Your.MD, the better it gets for everyone globally."
Your.MD has built the largest medical Map of Conditions ever created, all underpinned by clinically assured medical guidance from the UK's revered National Health Service with users spending more than 350,0002 hours using Your.MD to identify over 1.4 million3 conditions. This unparalleled personalised healthcare helps relieve the burden on global medical systems.
About Your.MD
Your.MD has developed the world's first personal health assistant using Artificial Intelligence to digitally empower smartphone users worldwide. Everyone can now take control of their own healthcare thanks to: artificial intelligence, clinically assured NHS medical information, patented search technology and machine learning. Headquartered in London, UK, Your.MD has ongoing partnerships with Samsung and the NHS.
1. Figure from App Annie
2. Figure from Google Analytics for life of app
3. Figure from Mix panel for life of app