Nic Jefferis at iTelecare explains, "With the introduction of broadcare to our portfolio, we can offer our clients an even more 'complete' package. As it integrates seamlessly with other care systems and may be used with any of the familiar monitoring equipment and medical devices, we can deliver leading telecare services for social and health care. broadcare is an innovative platform that has huge potential to help large volumes of clients with a wide variety of care at home requirements."
"iTelecare will use Broadcare as a core technology around which to build value-added products and services such as security, integration, information management and data analysis for preventative care," adds Chris Williams, CEO at mediagrids. "We believe that the new partnership marks a step change in allowing the vulnerable to live more independently and encouraging 'social inclusion'. With privacy-enabled access, friends, family and carers can make visual contact with their loved-ones more regularly and effectively."
About iTelecare
Integrated Telecare Limited was founded to provide a full range services company to address the fragmented UK telecare market. The company is designed to operate as a facilitator of telecare solutions offering a range of telecare services and products to both the private and public sectors. Cost effective care monitoring of people in the comfort of their own homes needs to be a predictive, pro-active and preventative solution, able to involve all care service providers, and to manage people and situations on a large scale. It needs to provide for social, and health and medical care needs, for a wide range of people including elderly people, the disabled, those with long term conditions, mental health and those receiving post-operative care. The objective is to provide improved services for less cost through using telecare technologies. For further information see www.itelecare.co.uk or telephone 0118 321 8259.
About mediagrids
mediagrids is a UK company that provides a software platform that addresses the profitable distribution of applications, ranging from intelligent and affordable healthcare to distributed video conferencing. broadcare is a next generation telecare solution based on mediagrids technology. It will become an open platform for a range of social and health care devices from today's equipment providers. It extends today's telephone dial-up solutions to provide an interactive audio-visual experience with carers from each client's home through the use of the public broadband Internet. mediagrids' software platform delivers multi-media, environmental and biometric content on a massive scale - running to tens of thousands of clients. For further information, including a demonstration see www.broadcare.co.uk and www.mediagrids.co.uk. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Telephone +44(0)8450 940296.