Microsoft Health and Band enable users to collect and view their data about step counts, workouts, and even sleep quality in the mobile app and web dashboard. Vivid, easily-understandable charts help users get to know their current fitness level, and discover changes at a glance.
Integration with Medelinked also provides peace of mind that if they need urgent medical treatment at home or abroad, their secure medical history can be quickly and safely accessed and shared from their iOS or Android mobile device.
Record, connect and share
Managing all health data in one place helps individuals securely track, monitor and improve their health state, ensuring their latest health data is accessed and enabling the provision of the best possible care, keeping individuals in control of their own health. It also provides a scalable platform for device manufacturers to add value to their offerings, increase their range of services and deepen customer engagement.
Microsoft Health and Band joins other Medelinked integrated services such as Garmin Connect, UP by Jawbone, Samsung S Health, Nokia/Withings and iHealth, in enabling users to record data directly into their Medelinked health record but also include a range of medical details including allergies, conditions, immunisations, medications and tests and the ability to store clinical standard DICOM MRI scans and x-rays to complete their health profile as well as storing insurance and other documentation.
Using Medelinked individuals are also able to create personal and family health profiles online that are secure, locate healthcare specialists and connect and share their health records with their network of trusted health partners and providers (including doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, trainers, insurers, clinical researchers).
Medelinked Secure Cloud
Patients' medical records are held securely using the Medelinked Health Cloud system. The user has sole control over the information that is stored and whether they wish any healthcare individual or organisation to view any part of their medical history.
The user can also choose any information they would like to store in a password-protected Emergency Records area, which a chosen family member or colleague can immediately access in the event of an emergency.
Ian Gallifant, Medelinked founder and CEO, says: "We are now seeing a dramatic shift in healthcare - individuals have a heightened interest in their own wellbeing and are increasingly interacting with personal technology to manage their lives.
Making a difference starts with such health information being stored in an easily accessible way and providing users with the ability to add to their records and share information easily with the healthcare professionals they locate and choose - to ensure the best advice is given based on previous history, wherever they are around the world.
Adding Microsoft Health and Band to the host of apps, sensors and devices that integrate with Medelinked ensures customers are in control of their health and personal, portable electronic health records are the way forward for improved healthcare and better outcomes in the future."
About Microsoft Health and Band
Microsoft Health helps you live healthier by giving you actionable insights into how your physical activity benefits your overall health. View your data and insights about your step counts, workouts and even sleep quality in a mobile app and a web dashboard. Easy-to-understand graphs chart data that are important to help you understand your current, and changing, fitness levels.
Built in the cloud, Microsoft Health continuously evolves to offer you more valuable data over time. As you view your activity data, Microsoft Health helps identify opportunities to meet your goals through observations of your fitness levels. As your fitness levels and goals change, insights change with you.
Sync your Microsoft Health data with apps like MyFitnessPal, Strava, RunKeeper and MapMyFitness. Be inspired by curated workouts from Gold’s Gym, Shape and Men’s Fitness. As the number of partnerships grow, the easier it will be to manage your health and meet your wellness goals.
Using Microsoft Band gets you full access to the power of Microsoft Health, Microsoft Band tracks your heart rate, steps, calorie burn, workouts and sleep quality with eleven advanced sensors. Using your Microsoft Band data, Microsoft Health gives you access to easily-understandable summaries and charts of your health and fitness gains over time, as well as personal, valuable insights. Microsoft Band works across platforms on your Android, iPhone and Windows Phone.
Microsoft Health and Band availability
Microsoft Band works with Windows Phone 8.1 update, iOS 7.1 or later, and Android 4.3-5.0 phones, with Bluetooth. Microsoft Health app required; available in English only. Microsoft Health app is available from Google Play, Apple App Store and Windows Phone Store.
About Medelinked
Leveraging mobile technology and the cloud, the Medelinked personal health record platform aims to increase health care efficiency and effectiveness and to continuously improve health outcomes.
In use in over 80 countries around the world, Medelinked ensures that an individual’s health record is secure, complete, under their control and always available at the point of care - accessible via PC, Apple Mac or any iOS or Android tablet or smartphone.
Managing all health data in one place helps individuals securely track, monitor and improve their health state, ensuring their latest health data is accessed and enabling the provision of best possible care.
Using Medelinked individuals can request appointments and connect and share their health record with their network of trusted health partners and providers (including doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, trainers, insurers, clinical researchers).
It also enables patients to communicate securely via email, voice, text, video and instant messaging with doctors and other medical professionals and enables medical professionals to securely connect and communicate with each other to get a rapid overview of their patient or client's history - including being able to access medical reports, records, messages, x-rays and DICOM scans with automatic updating of patient records after every consultation.
Medelinked Health Cloud and API is the leading platform already powering some of the best mHealth applications allowing developers to create a series of new applications that deliver real health benefits to the end user and healthcare professionals.
In providing this free service to patients, professionals and developers, Medelinked is building the world’s largest aggregated medical data platform for partner health solution development and research, a resource that promises to benefit patients and professionals alike as they seek to understand disease better and continuously improve outcomes.
Based in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, Medelinked was founded in 2005 and named as one of the Global Digital Health 100 for 2015.