MSD believes that this "dead time" is a huge opportunity to add value to patients regarding how to improve their overall health, learn about their condition or improve the management of their disease.
This opportunity has been already recognized in the past. However current approaches do not seem to reach their full potential because they fail to engage the audience, encapsulate limited content or do not motivate enough the healthcare professionals or the hosting organization to promote them.
MSD would like to reward innovative engagement approaches or solutions resulting in educating patients (i.e. transferring trust-worthy health related information) from the waiting room.
The solution should be easy and motivational for all: the patients, the clinical staff and the owner of the waiting room (the hosting institution, eg. a clinic or hospital). It should engage and motivate as many people as possible, ideally across all generations.
In order to exemplify the solution on concrete areas, MSD asks to use the following in the presentation of solutions:
- Diabetes: Non trivial information about the disease and how to manage it (specially medication adherence)
- Vaccines: Vaccines importance and time table of required and mandatory vaccines.
Deadline date: December 30th 2016, 23:59:59 UTC
For further information and to apply, please visit:
MSD (in the United States and Canada known as Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ USA) during its 125 years of successful health and medicines innovation achievements is eager to find new and better ways to provide breakthrough medicines and healthcare services to patients and healthcare professionals around the world converging to a new stage of co creation now with the Health Tech Eco System.
That is why the EEMEA (Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa) MSD Organization is opening the doors for entrepreneurs and ideators to come up with articulable solutions for 3 of our most important needs across all countries within this geographical region. A total of 9 finalists (3 for each need/challenge) will not only have the opportunity to showcase their proposal and debate with MSD experts how to co create together but also will have the chance to earn 3.000€ if selected as the most articulate and innovative solution.
The EEMEA Innovation Factory has been launched in partnership with TICBioMed a Digital Health association specialized in providing business support.