Prohibited listening devices
A large of providers offer children's smart watches including an "eavesdropping" function on the German market. They are aimed at children aged between 5 and 12.The watches have a SIM card and limited telephony function that are set up and controlled using an app. This kind of listening function is often described as a monitor. The app user is able to make the watch call a desired number unnoticed by its wearer or those nearby. The user can then eavesdrop on the wearer's conversations and surroundings. This type of listening function is prohibited in Germany.
Action against buyers
The Bundesnetzagentur advises schools, in particular, to be even more aware of pupils owning watches with a listening function. If the Bundesnetzagentur has knowledge of the buyers of such devices, it tells them to destroy the watches and send evidence of this to the authority. It is recommended for parents to take responsibility for destroying the devices themselves and to keep proof of this.Information about providing proof of destruction if requested by the Bundesnetzagentur may be found at: www.bundesnetzagentur.de/spionagekameras.
This page also includes an overview of product groups classed as unauthorised transmitting equipment under German law.
About The Bundesnetzagentur
The Bundesnetzagentur for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway, or Bundesnetzagentur as it is commonly known, promotes effective competition in the regulated areas and ensures non-discriminatory access to networks. It protects important consumer rights and is also the root certification authority under the Electronic Signatures Act. In addition, the Bundesnetzagentur is responsible for implementing the Grid Expansion Acceleration Act.