Telecardiology system is result of the joint co-operation with eHIT Ltd and AnalyzeYou Inc. System collects and remotely analyses long term ECG recordings. In addition, the system makes use of a novel algorithm developed by AnalyzeYou Inc, which helps cardiologist to early identify signs of heart problems and even sudden death.
The system consists of a wearable ECG miniature sensor, which continuously measures the heart activity and wirelessly transfers the data directly to the mobile phone of the patient. The information is then automatically transferred securely to the health care provider by using a mobile connection such as GPRS, GSM, CDMA, or 3G.
Coronary heart disease is by far the most common cause of death in many countries. Every few seconds, someone in Europe is suffering of chest pain caused by an insufficient supply of blood to the heart. "It is often difficult for the patient to tell the difference between angina symptoms and heart attack symptoms", says Dr. Takizawa chairman of AnalyzeYou Inc, Tokyo, "therefore it is very important to early recognise the signs of a heart attack and immediately seek for medical attention." eHIT's solution offers patients the capability of recording and simultaneously transmitting the ECG signal whenever they feel heart irregularities or they are sized by pain in the chest.
According to Kalevi Voutilainen, president of eHIT Ltd., the agreement with AnalyzeYou Inc. represents a synergy with great potentials. "Dr. Takizawa has been analysing ECG diagrams for years and he developed a novel algorithm to help in predicting heart problems and even sudden death. We are now offering a proved technology capable of collecting and transferring ECG data seamless from the patient to the doctor, regardless of their location."
The mobile electrocardiograph is the last addition to the eHIT Health Gateway system, which is an effective and secure tool to wirelessly transfer data from different measurement devices to the health care professionals by using mobile phones or PDA devices. The mobile electrocardiograph offers a simple yet efficient way to be in contact with health professionals anytime and almost anywhere.
About AnalyzeYou Inc.
Anayzeyou Inc. specialises in making medical analyses. Company was established in 2003.
The main business activities of the AnalyzeYou Inc are:
About eHIT Ltd.
eHIT Ltd. specialises in wireless telemedicine and wellbeing solutions offering intuitive and flexible approach to remote care such as home care, self care and occupational health.
eHIT's products and services are used in health care organisations worldwide. Health Gateway, the company's leading product, is an effective and secure tool to wirelessly transfer data from different measurement devices to the health care service provider via a mobile platform. For more information visit www.ehit.fi