Mediagrids is pushing forward with a roadmap of compatibility with third party devices thus reducing the need for different base stations for different patient requirements. Developing an open platform with third party convergence means saving asset costs for Carers, Care Centres and Primary Care Trusts.
"The day is fast approaching where all your medical, lifestyle, and social needs can be delivered by one discreet CareHUB," said Rob Bijkerk, CEO of Mediagrids. "We hope to show that there is no need for many care units sitting in your home communicating independent of each other to different paid agencies. One care station transmitting crucial information for social and healthcare devices is all that is required."
CareMATE Online can be used by small care teams or large care centres across the UK managed at reduced cost and the ownership can be wholly theirs.
For further information about CareMATE Online, visit www.caremateonline.co.uk.
About Mediagrids
Mediagrids is a UK company that provides a software platform that addresses the profitable distribution of applications, ranging from intelligent and affordable healthcare to distributed video conferencing. CareMATE Online is a next generation telecare solution based on Mediagrids technology. It will become an open platform for a range of social and health care devices from today's equipment providers. It extends today's telephone dial-up solutions to provide an interactive audio-visual experience with carers from each client's home through the use of the public broadband Internet. Mediagrids' software platform delivers multi-media, environmental and biometric content on a massive scale running to tens of thousands of clients. For further information, including a demonstration see www.caremateonline.co.uk and www.Mediagrids.com.