Eric Dishman, General Manager and Global Director of Intel's Health Research & Innovation Group explained the significance of the TRIL Centre, "The Technology Research for Independent Living Centre... or TRIL Centre for short... was borne out of that excitement, expertise, and collaborative commitment. Our goal is to accelerate research, development, and commercialisation of independent living technologies that help older people to live in their homes of choice, even in the midst of age-related illnesses and injuries that are becoming so commonplace. Bringing together Intel researchers with interdisciplinary researchers from University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin and National University of Ireland, Galway, the TRIL Centre is one of the world's largest R&D collaborations on this important topic, and we hope to make Ireland an international centre of excellence for this work."
Intel as the world leader in silicon innovation has reorginised itself and now is focusing his attention on five key market segment opportunities: mobility, digital home, enterprize, health and channel. In this context is very important to mention Intel's very promising and powerfull US based division (named Digital Health) which now is starting to establish a strong presence on the European eHealth / Healthcare IT market.
Close to the European presence, Intel has created the Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Commons (BAIC), a unique US based academic-industrial collaboration that constructs a research commons - a shared pool of tools, technology and thinking - around behavioral markers and health outcomes. This collaboration, strengthened recently by $1 million grant involved the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) on assessment and intervention for age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and injuries from falls.
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