"Many of our patients have problems remembering to take their medication and this service is a useful support to them" said Professor John Duncan from the NHNN. "It could potentially save health service resources if, by taking their medication more regularly, people have fewer seizures and therefore have less need for health services."
"Poor adherence to medication could have negative consequences for patients as it can result in more seizures occurring." said Anthony Linklater, Epilepsy Specialist Nurse at the NHNN. "Seizures disrupt daily life and can cause injury and hospitalisation. Patients using this service have been receiving timely and personalised text message reminders to take their medication. Their responses to the service have been overwhelmingly positive and all bar one of them has indicated that they wish it to continue. Patients are reporting that the service has helped them to remember to take their medication more regularly and for some this has led to an improvement in the control of their epileptic seizures."
Anthony Linklater commented: "We are continuing to collect feedback from people using this service and it is beginning to become clear that improvements in adherence are resulting in better seizure control and less use of emergency medical services for some. We hope to get a clearer idea of the scale of these benefits later in the year."
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About the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN)
The NHNN, part of University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, is a leading centre for the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients with a wide range of neurological conditions such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, stroke and head injuries. With its neighbour, the Institute of Neurology, it is a major international centre for research and training. The NHNN provides comprehensive neurology and neurosurgery services for our other hospitals, including an acute brain injury unit, the national prion clinic and a neurorehabilitation unit.
About iPLATO
iPLATO Healthcare is an innovation company dedicated to mobile health since 2006. iPLATO's evidence based mobile health solutions have proven to improve patient access to healthcare, to enable powerful health promotion targeted at people at risk and to support people with long term conditions.
Serving millions of patients and thousands of healthcare professionals every day iPLATO has emerged as the leader in mobile health. Across this network the company is running campaigns to promote smoking cessation, weight loss, childhood immunisation and pandemic awareness as well as mobile patient support services for people with diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy, COPD and HIV.