Combining products and services from the two companies listed on the Government Procurement Services national framework for Assistive Technology the offering helps the public sector partner acquire patient information, stratify risk across populations, define target demographics and patients, recruit target patients to services and to evaluate the effectiveness and efficacy of these services.
"Putting together Docobo products such as ArtemusICS™ for risk stratification, DOC@HOME® and HEALTHHUB® for Telehealth with iPLATO Patient Care Messaging for patient engagement and iPLATO Patient Support Services, provides our public sector partners with a broad range of capabilities to choose from" says Adrian Flowerday, Managing Director at Docobo. "It will be our job to explain how the various components fit together and help them define their strategies for delivering better commissioning and care."
"We believe that our combined offering can be the engine for transforming commissioning and care across entire populations" says Tobias Alpsten, Managing Director at iPLATO. "The need for an end-to-end offering was borne out of requests from a range of public sector partners to bring various fragments of good practice and technology into a comprehensive solution to help new CCGs to quickly implement processes and tools that make a real difference to quality of care and costs. We are looking forward to working with Commissioning Support Services partners in bringing this solution or components of it to local commissioners and teams."
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- iPLATO's Profile
About Docobo
Docobo is a leading provider of Telehealth products and services (Docobo HealthHUB and Doc@HOME) to over 40 NHS PCTs, Hospitals, Local Authorities, Community and other organisations. With a wide choice of equipment to access the services, Docobo systems help the management of Long Term Conditions. Savings and benefits include reduced admissions, reduced nurse and GP visits, early and supported discharge, reduced use of residential and intermediate care.
Artemus not only provides whole population, predictive risk stratification, but also enables users (e.g. CCGs, CSSs, Hospitals, Community Providers, GPs) to identify patients who would benefit from telehealth and understand the effects of any interventions. Easy to use web-based dashboards enable identification of patients, utilisation, costs, prevalence and on-going changes in risk score.
ComCare is a large scale system to manage and optimise the efficiency of community nursing and care operations. ComCare matches the needs of patients and customers with the qualifications and availability of nurses and carers, manages rosters, route optimisation, logistics, contracts and billing. A comprehensive mobile system enables nurses and carers to access information about clients such as their details, referrals, diagnosis, alerts, contacts and services they are receiving with just a touch of a button no matter where they are.
About iPLATO
iPLATO Healthcare is British innovation company dedicated to mobile health since 2006.
iPLATO's evidence based mobile health solutions have proven to improve patient access to healthcare, to enable powerful health promotion targeted at people at risk and to support people with long term conditions.
Serving millions of patients and thousands of healthcare professionals every day iPLATO has emerged as the leader in mobile health. Across this network the company is running campaigns to promote smoking cessation, weight loss, childhood immunisation and pandemic awareness as well as mobile disease management services for people with diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy and HIV.
iPLATO Healthcare's mission is to, in partnership with healthcare professionals and provider organisations, support patients in achieving longer, healthier lives.