"NHS Health Checks has been a popular campaign for our Public Health and GP Practice partners for some time," says Tobias Alpsten, CEO of iPLATO. "Practices use iPLATO to engage patients and invite for NHS Health Checks every year. Using iPLATO Hub, local and regional Public Health teams can tap into this existing communication capability and transform overall performance through very sophisticated multi-channel campaigns. This is a huge step up from traditionally laborious processes for informing patients about NHS Health Checks and inviting them to book an appointment."
Kim, IT Manager at Brondesbury Medical Centre, an iPLATO user says, "Mobile phones are used by most of our patients and so text messaging is an effective way to communicate with them especially around NHS Health Checks. This service has the potential to significantly increase the number of patients attending clinics as well as saving on surgery administration costs."
In a document laying out its priorities for 2013-16 Public Health England said all 40 to 74 year olds will be offered health checks, which were introduced in 2009 with the aim of preventing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and certain types of dementia. Public Health England said one of its priorities was to reduce preventable deaths and to do this it would 'support people to live healthier lives by implementing NHS Health Checks to 15 million eligible people.'
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About iPLATO
iPLATO Healthcare is British innovation company. iPLATO’s evidence based mobile health solutions have proven to improve patient access to healthcare, to enable powerful health promotion targeted at people at risk and to support people with long term conditions.
Serving millions of patients and thousands of healthcare professionals every day iPLATO has emerged as the leader in mobile health. Across this network the company is running campaigns to promote smoking cessation, weight loss, childhood immunisation and pandemic awareness as well as mobile disease management services for people with diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy and HIV.
iPLATO Healthcare's mission is to, in partnership with clinicians, help healthcare commissioners transform patient care through cloud based mHealth and Analytics.