Lorenzo Nursing is a software environment for nurses to view the patients' electronic care file and record the nursing documentation and clinical notes. They can also view the results of laboratory tests as well as data on the course of the disease.
The nurses at St Jansdal are enthusiastic about the new solution. The system ensures that they no longer need to record the same data in various locations, for example, at the bed-side, in the chart notes, and the records. This not only saves time, it also reduces the number of mistakes. And nurses no longer waste time collecting paperwork and no longer need to wait for colleagues to finish going through the records. The ease of use of Lorenzo Nursing ensures a smooth transition from a paper to an electronic world.
"I talked with two nurses on the ward who were still coming to terms with the mouse and keyboard," says Jan Voorburg, member of the St Jansdal Board of Directors. "Even they found the solution a major improvement, and they were adamant that paper is no longer an option."
Alongside the nurses, other care providers also benefit from the roll-out of Lorenzo on the surgical and medical wards at St Jansdal. Medical specialists, for instance, can consult the patient care files anywhere, anytime. Another example is the notification that is automatically sent to the dietetics department when the nutritional status of a patient indicates a risk. Lorenzo Nursing saves various medical professionals time and contributes to a better quality of care throughout the hospital.
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iSOFT Group Limited (ASX: ISF) is the largest health information technology company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, and among the world's biggest providers of advanced application solutions in modern healthcare economies.
iSOFT works with healthcare professionals to design and build software applications that answer all of the difficult questions posed by today's healthcare delivery challenges. Our solutions act as a catalyst for change, supporting free exchange of critical information across diverse care settings and participating organizations.
Today, more than 13,000 provider organizations in over 40 countries use iSOFT’s solutions to manage patient information and drive improvements in their core processes. The group's sustainable development is delivered through careful planning, in-depth analysis of the market, and anticipation of our clients' evolving requirements. Our business is driven by the collective talent, experience and commitment of more than 3,300 specialists in 19 countries worldwide.
A global network of iSOFT subsidiaries, supported by an extensive partner network, provides substantial experience of national healthcare markets. As a result, we offer our clients comprehensive knowledge of local market requirements in terms of culture, language, working practices, regulation and organizational structure.