Topic: ISSI-3-2015: Knowledge Sharing Platform
The topic aims to foster the sharing of 'Science With and For Society' experience and know-how in Europe, and beyond. Activities shall envisage building a Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) to federate Responsible Research and Innovation communities and make RRI and its key dimensions more effective research and innovation policy support tools. It shall simultaneously operate and draw from the networking of relevant projects, service contracts and actors. Furthermore, the KSP shall provide an RRI assessment and good practice function, and will disseminate and advocate findings with a view to strengthen European leadership in the governance of Responsible Research and Innovation in both policy-relevant and thematic European and global fora corresponding to the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges. The KSP shall use a variety of means of exchange, employing e.g. direct face-to-face meetings, participatory processes as well as social media and modern ICT and multimedia tools (non-exhaustive list).
The Knowledge Sharing Platform (KSP) shall hold Mobilisation and Mutual Learning workshops to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, national Science with and for Society -related programme managers and policy-makers and other stakeholders to reflect upon, share, assess, consolidate and transfer experiences and lessons learnt from Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes projects, activities, methodologies and outcomes. Furthermore, the proposals shall also aim to support the Science with and for Society Community by facilitating new and lasting partnerships, fostering joint visions and positions amongst constituencies.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of the order of EUR 3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Deadline Date: 16-09-2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Type of action: Coordination and Support Actions.
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