Societal Challenges: H2020-SC1-2016-2017
Health, demographic change and well-being
Personalised Medicine
Active ageing and self-management of health
SC1-PM-12-2016: PCP - eHealth innovation in empowering the patient
Deadline: 16 February 2016 17:00:00
SC1-PM-13-2016: PPI for deployment and scaling up of ICT solutions for active and healthy ageing
Deadline: 16 February 2016 17:00:00
SC1-PM-14-2016: EU-Japan cooperation on Novel ICT Robotics based solutions for active and healthy ageing at home or in care facilities
Deadline: 12 April 2016 17:00:00
SC1-PM-15-2017 Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age
Deadline: 31 January 2017 17:00:00
Methods and data
SC1-PM-16-2017 In-silico trials for developing and assessing biomedical products
Deadline: 14 March 2017 17:00:00
SC1-PM-17-2017 Personalised computer models and in-silico systems for well-being
Deadline: 14 March 2017 17:00:00
SC1-PM-18-2016 Big Data supporting Public Health policies
Deadline: 16 February 2016 17:00:00
SC1-PM-19-2017 PPI for uptake of standards for the exchange of digitalised healthcare records
Deadline: 14 March 2017 17:00:00
Coordination activities
SC1-HCO-10-2016 Support for Europe's leading Health ICT SMEs
Deadline: 16 February 2016 17:00:00
SC1-HCO-11-2016 Coordinated action to support the recognition of Silver Economy opportunities arising from demographic change
Deadline: 16 February 2016 17:00:00
SC1-HCO-12-2016 Digital health literacy
Deadline: 16 February 2016 17:00:00
SC1-HCO-13-2016 Healthcare Workforce IT skills
Deadline: 16 February 2016 17:00:00
SC1-HCO-14-2016 EU-US interoperability roadmap
Deadline: 16 February 2016 17:00:00
SC1-HCO-15-2016 EU eHealth Interoperability conformity assessment
Deadline: 16 February 2016 17:00:00
SC1-HCO-16-2016 Standardisation needs in the field of ICT for Active and Healthy Ageing
Deadline: 16 February 2016 17:00:00
PS: Find your partners or consortia preparing a project proposal
If you are working on eHealth ICT WP 2016-17 research project proposals and you would be interested in a SME partner from Germany, please contact us, we are ready to share our experience, expertise and knowledge. If you need help to identify a potential partner with particular competences, facilities or experience, please explore and join our project, HEALTH IT SPACE, at www.healthitspace.eu.