This topic supports the early stages of research to establish a new technological possibility. Proposals are sought for collaborative research with all of the following characteristics ('FET gatekeepers'):
- Long-term vision: the research proposed must address a new and radical long-term vision of a science- and technology-enabled future that is far beyond the state of the art and not currently foreseen by technology roadmaps.
- Breakthrough scientific and technological target: research must target a scientifically ambitious and technologically concrete breakthrough, argued to be a crucial step towards achieving the long-term vision. The plausibility of the proposed breakthrough(s) to be attained within the life-time of the project must be argued in the proposal.
- Novelty: the research proposed for achieving the breakthrough must be based on cutting-edge knowledge, new ideas and concepts, rather than in the mere application or incremental refinement of existing ones.
- Foundational: the breakthroughs that are envisaged must be foundational in the sense that, if achieved, they would establish an essential basis for a new kind of technology and its future uses, not currently anticipated.
- High-risk: the inherently high risk of the research proposed will be reflected in a flexible but effective methodology for exploring alternative directions and options, supported by open and agile research and innovation practices.
- Interdisciplinary: the proposed collaborations are expected to go beyond 'waterfall' configurations in multi-disciplinary science- and technology research. Instead they should seek new solutions through genuine exchanges, mutual learning, cross-fertilisation and synergistic advances among distant disciplines in order to open unexplored areas of investigation and new directions for joint research.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR 3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Expected Impact:
- Initiating or consolidating a baseline of feasibility for a radically new line of technology and its future uses by establishing the essential proofs-of-principle and their foundational scientific underpinnings.
- Strengthening European leadership in the early exploration of visionary, new and emerging technologies, beyond academic excellence and with global recognition. This impact can be reinforced by involving also new high-potential actors such as young, both female and male, researchers and high-tech SMEs that may become the European scientific and technological leaders and innovators of the future.
- Impact is also sought in terms of the take up of new research and innovation practices for making leading-edge science and technology research more open, collaborative, creative and closer to society.
Deadline Model: multiple cut-off
Cut-off dates:
11 May 2016 17:00:00
17 January 2017 17:00:00
27 September 2017 17:00:00
Type of action: RIA Research and Innovation action.
For topic conditions, documents and submission service, please visit:
PS: Find your partners or consortia preparing a project proposal
If you are working on Horizon 2020 research project proposals and you would be interested in a SME partner from Germany, please contact us, we are happy to share our experience, expertise and knowledge. If you need help to identify a potential partner with particular competences, facilities or experience, please join and explore our project, (HEALTH IT) SPACE, at www.healthitspace.eu.