Article of the Month!

For the past four years, the eHealth Unit has produced and distributed the eHealth Intelligence Report (eHIR) to interested eHealth stakeholders per email. Since its inception, the eHIR has experienced a revolution analogous to the revolution that has taken place in the field of eHealth: the number of literature available has exploded and the number of people interested in reading about it; in applying it; and in specializing in it continues to boom.
The eHIR is a service of the Global Observatory for eHealth. Published bi-weekly, it offers comprehensive coverage of eHealth developments worldwide and brings readers the world's opinion on eHealth. It is becoming increasingly an important "virtual" meeting point: it offers readers a snapshot of the latest publications and major news and events; And it gives authors and event organizers the opportunity to share their work with the ehealth community. Through this distinctive dialogue, the eHIR promotes eHealth and endorses the power of ICT for Health. The eHIR attracts readers and authors worldwide from different industries public and private, academia, governments, civil society who want to keep abreast with this rapid evolving field and who in addition wish to influence its course.
The Web version of the eHealth Intelligence Report is a response to the needs of the market today. It aims at further increasing awareness and access to information and knowledge of eHealth worldwide and ultimately it wishes to contribute to the strengthening of health in all countries.
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