The year 2006 brought some remarkable results in ScanBalt BioRegion. The year finished with the biggest ever deal between pharma and biotech with the Medicon Valley based company Genmap signing an agreement with GlaxoSmithKline, the value of which potentially could exceed $2.1 billion.
In the Baltic countries and Poland biotech and life sciences are growing. As an example of this positive development the Latvian BioTech Association was established in 2006 and several foreign biotech companies have during the year moved into the country.
General secretary Peter Frank, ScanBalt says "We find the development positive. Life sciences and biotechnology are strong drivers for creating a competitive knowledge based economy in the Baltic Sea Region able to compete with the US, Asia and others. At the same time it is a frontrunner for integration of the region.
However we should constantly focus on removing barriers for the mobility of human, financial and industrial resources within the Baltic Sea Region and work to attract resources from the outside.
In addition the regions needs to strengthen their regional clusters and promote collaboration between them.
By doing so we can realize the full positive potential of life sciences and biotechnology on the economy and at the same time solve problems within health, environment, food and agriculture".
For further information please contact general secretary Peter Frank at +45 35324146, Mob +45 27141078, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit http://www.scanbalt.org