Call for papers - Deadline 17 December 2007
Professionals, practitioners and academics are invited to submit position papers on research findings, case experiences, challenges and factors contributing to a successful implementation of eGovernment, eHealth or eInclusion services in Europe and beyond.
Domains: eGovernment, eHealth and eInclusion
Examples of topics (non-exhaustive):
- User centric services
- Interoperability
- Open source
- eIdentity and eSecurity
- eProcurement
- eDemocracy and eVoting
- eAccessibility
- Digital literacy
- eCompetences
- Electronic health records
- Telemedicine services
Preliminary publication schedule
1st issue: all topics
Deadline for paper submission: 15 October 2007 | Publication: 30 November 2007
2nd issue: all topics
Deadline for paper submission: 17 December 2007 | Publication: February 2008
3rd issue: Inclusive eServices
Deadline for paper submission: 1 February 2008 | Publication: April 2008
4th issue: Efficiency and effectiveness
Deadline for paper submission: 27 March 2008 | Publication: June 2008
5th issue: High Impact Services
Deadline for paper submission: 25 June 2008 | Publication: September 2008
6th issue: Key enablers of eTransformation
Deadline for paper submission: 9 September 2008 | Publication: November 2008
7th issue: eParticipation
Deadline for paper submission: 17 November 2008 | Publication: February 2009
8th Issue: all topics
Deadline for paper submission: 26 January 2009 | Publication: April 2009
Editorial guidelines
Authors: Researchers and e-government practitioners at every level are invited to submit their work to the Journal.
Type of material: Articles, case studies and interviews
Peer-review: The articles are evaluated by an expert or experts in the subject, who may be our peer-reviewers or members of the portal's Editorial Board
Length: Full texts of 2,000 - 6,000 words
Language: English
Article structure
Executive summary of 200-300 words
Keywords (3-6 descriptive keywords)
Tables, pictures and figures
Author profile must be made public on www.ePractice.eu/people
For further information, please visit:
Related news articles:
- High Impact Services in eGovernment, eInclusion and eHealth
- eGovernment Observatory becomes eGovernment Practice
- European Observatories Network
- New ePractice.eu Portal is online
- Looking for the best eGovernment practices in Europe
About ePractice.eu
ePractice.eu is a portal created by the European Commission which offers a new service for the professional community of eGovernment, eInclusion and eHealth practitioners. It is an interactive initiative that empowers its users to discuss and influence open government, policy-making and the way in which public administrations operate and deliver services. For further information, please visit www.epractice.eu