It is an activity addressed to students of the final years of the high school and it has the objective to inform the school population on the healthcare system organization and management at regional level, promoting new eHealth services linked to the digitalization of processes and clinical documents. It even aims at involving new generations in the evolution of healthcare services, making them conscious about the chances provided by the digital world and trying to reinforce and enlarge their participation. Dr. Claudio Dario, president of Arsenàl.IT, explains "The main idea is that is essential to inform and make conscious those who will be the future healthcare services users. The objective is to guarantee a wide and correct access to healthcare services by adopting web and ICT channels and tools." Dr. Dario says that, moreover, youth, being digital native, are active players in the change, and can even become conscious vehicles, essential elements for the transfer of Knowledge and for the integration of information toward their families and people who are not digital native.
"New generations represent the keystone for the revolution in healthcare services," the president of Arsenàl.IT concludes. "Involving them in finding out new solutions and chances is fundamental to provide innovation ideas for the healthcare system. That is why Arsenàl.IT together with all our associated members (the 23 public Local Health Authorities and Hospital Trusts of the Veneto Region where there are 5.000.000 inhabitants) decided to enlarge the participation on the path towards the construction of the regional Electronic Health Record. This will be achieved by involving students as they can be the real players of innovation."
Promoted thanks to the regional School Office of the national Ministry of Education, lessons will take place during all the school year until spring 2015 and will be led by some representative of Local Health Authorities and experts from Arsenàl.IT. Indeed @Two!Salute! is an activity planned and designed by the Veneto's Research Centre for eHealth Innovation supported by 18 Local Health Authorities (ULSS n.1 Belluno, ULSS n.3 Bassano, ULSS n.4 Alto Vicentino, ULSS n.5 Ovest Vicentino, ULSS n.6 Vicenza, ULSS n.7 Pieve di Soligo, ULSS n.8 Asolo, ULSS n.9 Treviso, ULSS n.10 Veneto Orientale, ULSS n.12 Veneziana, ULSS n.13 Mirano, ULSS n.14 Chioggia, ULSS n.16 Padova, ULSS n.17 Monselice, ULSS n.18 Rovigo, ULSS n.19 Adria, ULSS n.20 Verona, ULSS n.21 Legnago) inside the project regional Electronic Health Record that has being developed in Veneto since 2012. Inside this context Arsenàl.IT aims at involving youth on the theme of innovation applied to healthcare, making them real players in their healthcare paths and conscious users of eHealth services.
About Arsenàl.IT, Veneto's Research Centre for eHealth Innovation
Veneto's Research Centre for eHealth Innovation, Arsenàl.IT aims at enhancing the clinical processes and the assistance offered to citizens by means of a collaboration among associated members, an optimization of involved resources, a reduction of costs and a facilitation of the change management.