3rd VPH Study Group on VPH Toolkit
07 - 11 May 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
The third VPH NoE study group (SG3), organised by the University of Sheffield, Super Computing Solutions, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, will take place at UPF premises the week after the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2012).
340 Events for European Robotics Week
Over 120 organisations from industry, research institutes and universities representing 17 European countries are taking part in the first European Robotics Week. A considerable share of research in robotics in Europe is focused on medical and rehabilitation research, such as robotics surgery and patient rehabilitation, for example with stroke patients who need constant monitoring and regularly adjusted support.
ARMTELEMED-1 Congress: Global Report
By Organizing Committee of ARMTELEMED-1
As we are summarizing the results of the First Armenian International Congress on Telemedicine and eHealth "ARMTELEMED: Road to the Future" we would like to share with you some of the statistics pertinent to the event, and to discuss the main outcomes and achievements thereof.
Partnering for Better Health: Improving Care, Accelerating Growth and Efficiency
30 November - 1 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium.
Microsoft's third annual eHealth event will headline Commissioner Dalli, Members of the European Parliament, US Government and members of DG Information Society and Industry and Enterprise to discuss the role of ICT in the future of healthcare in Europe addressing the challenges and benefits of moving towards a digitized health system, success stories of health innovation and technology, and developing solutions together to better our healthcare system.
MEDICA 2011 + COMPAMED 2011 Start with a Record Number of Participants
16 - 19 November 2011, Düsseldorf, Germany
In the week ahead the attention of health and medical care professionals from around the world will once again focus on Düsseldorf, as the world's largest medical trade fair, MEDICA 2011, World Forum for Medicine, and COMPAMED 2011, High tech solutions for medical technology, the leading trade fair for the suppliers market in medical manufacturing, get underway.
Submit Presentation Proposals for Med-e-Tel 2012 and Contribute to Discussions and Debates
18 - 20 April 2012, Luxembourg.
Healthcare providers, medical practitioners, nursing professionals, government officials, researchers, educators and industry representatives are invited to submit presentation proposals for the Med-e-Tel 2012 conference program.
Doctors 2.0 & You Congress Call for Speakers 2012
23 - 24 May 2012, Paris, France.
Doctors 2.0 & You Congress will gather together international supporters of health 2.0 and social media services to share ideas and best practices, increase cooperation and optimize the learnings.