eHealth Week 2012 brings together two main events: the High level eHealth conference co-organised by the European Commission and the Danish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and WoHIT (World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition) organised by HIMSS Europe. The event, now hailed as the largest annual pan-European eHealth conference, not only brings together industry partners and providers from across Europe, but also important government and regional decision makers.
New for eHealth Week 2012
The Continuum of Care: From the Home to the Hospital
eHealth Week 2012 will focus on the continuum of care from home to hospital and back to home demonstrating how information can flow between these different settings. It will include topics like patient empowerment, chronic diseases management, investment and business opportunities in healthcare IT and ROI.
mHealth Symposium - Monday 7th May, full day symposium sponsored by Intel
eHealth week will host a one day symposium focusing on the challenges and solutions mobile health offers. Best practice stories of use of mobile devices and technology by clinicians in care delivery, examples of ROI and successful business solutions will be presented alongside insight into what is out there and what works! Separate registration applies.
For more information, visit: www.ehealthweek.org or contact Sean Roberts for sponsorship opportunities at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SME Village - An exclusive offer for Small, Medium Companies
The SME village is a new initiative at eHealth Week 2012, where small to medium enterprises (SME) will exhibit and bring new ideas, solutions and products to the healthcare IT industry. Showcase your products and gain visibility amongst international leaders and investors. To exhibit at the SME Village contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Dedicated CIO Track Sponsored by HIMSS Analytics Europe
The economic crisis has changed how senior leaders must justify health IT investments. The 2012 CIO track is an executive level forum, organised by European CIOs, designed to give CIOs the tools and information to navigate a changing landscape for top leaders from healthcare IT. The event will feature educational sessions offering intensive knowledge exchange and exclusive networking opportunities at the most senior level. For sponsorship opportunities contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
WoHIT 2012 Education and Professional Development
The WoHIT 2012 programme is looking more promising than ever with cutting-edge, innovative and inspirational speakers. The content is primarily Hospital IT focused and provides practical information and concrete examples to assist European healthcare professionals in the betterment of healthcare through the effective use of information technology. A preview of this year's selected speakers includes:
- Dr. Jean Roberts, Director (Standards), UK Council for Health Informatics Professions, UK
- Dr. Peder Jest, MD, CMO, Director, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
- Mr. José L. Rocha, Secretary General for Quality and Modernisation, Regional Ministry of Health of Andalusia, Spain
- Mr. John Thornbury, Director of ICT Services, WHICTs, Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
- Mr. Jens Rahbek Nørgaard, Senior Consultant, MedCom - Danish Healthcare Network, Denmark
Competition to reward the best eHealth solution developed by an EU SME
The objective of the Competition, organised by TICBiomed, is to support business success of SMEs by giving them visibility together with marketing opportunities to attract customers, partners and external capital.
SMEs will compete first at national level. The champion of each country will then enter into the European Final, to be celebrated during the eHealth Week 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark on the 7 May 2012.
The organiser is looking for country Coordinators and Sponsors. For more information and registration, please visit: www.ehealthcompetition.eu
HIMSS Europe Opens Nomination Process for the HIMSS Europe Award for eHealth Leadership 2012
HIMSS Europe has launched the nomination for the HIMSS Europe Award for eHealth Leadership which recognises an individual who, in the judgment of the HIMSS Europe Governing Council, has demonstrated significant leadership in promoting the use of information technology in healthcare in Europe.
The HIMSS Europe Award for eHealth Leadership will be presented on 9th May 2012 at the World of Health IT Conference and Exhibition, taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark.
HIMSS Europe is accepting submissions until Tuesday 31 January 2012.
For more information please contact Cynthia Stern at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
That's what the Interoperability Showcase™ is about
Known as Europe's premier forum highlighting the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise's (IHE) common framework, the interoperability Showcase™ sponsored by HIMSS and IHE Europe, brings vendors and decision-makers together in a "seeing is believing" interactive environment. Here attendees can ‘become the patient’ in a clinical use case scenario and watch their health data move from system to system. By participating in the Interoperability Showcase™ your company takes centre stage. This is an unparalleled opportunity to demonstrate your technology to thousands of healthcare IT professionals from across Europe.
To join the Interoperability Showcase please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For further information, please visit:
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