NantHealth, a subsidiary of NantWorks, LLC, a high speed secure cloud-based information technology provider combining genomic science and big data to transform healthcare, has completed the acquisition of Harris Corporation's (NYSE:HRS) commercial Healthcare Solutions (HCS) business, a clinical systems integration innovator.
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Noble's Hospital to Introduce Patientrack Monitoring and Early Warning Technology
Doctors and nurses at Noble's Hospital in the Isle of Man will be able to take action more quickly when patients show signs of worsening conditions when a new digital observations, early warning and alerting system is introduced. The Patientrack system allows nurses to take electronic observations at the bedside, and then automatically calculates early warning scores and alerts clinicians directly so that they can intervene when necessary.
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AUVA Selects Cerner's Electronic Health Record
The Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (General Accident Insurance Institution, AUVA) agreed to implement Cerner Millennium® electronic health record in seven emergency hospitals and four rehabilitation centers. The new agreement will significantly expand Cerner's market share in Austria.
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HIMSS Europe Governing Council Appoints Three New Board Members
HIMSS Europe has appointed three new board members to the HIMSS Europe Governing Council who will help to steer the strategic direction of HIMSS Europe, provide content expertise and maintain program oversight of the organisation's activities.
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Aridhia Announces Revolutionary Mini-App Technology to Accelerate Clinical Application Development Following RStudio Collaboration
Aridhia, the pioneering clinical and translational informatics company, today announced a revolutionary 'mini-app' rapid development solution specifically for clinical applications. The solution integrates the RStudio Shiny web application framework and Shiny Server Pro secure, performant application deployment platform to enhance AnalytiXagility's collaborative workspaces.
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Télémédecine 360: The 1st Telemedicine News Website in French
Telemedicine is a growing sector and market answering to an increasing medical need to improve healthcare organisations and health systems effectiveness. Numerous telemedicine activities and projects are emerging in France, favorited by a specific legislation, and supported by encouraging health policies from ministry and health regional agencies, as well as health care professionals and industry.
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CanSurround and MedClinik, Winners of the 2015 Doctors 2.0 & You Start-Up Contest
Doctors 2.0 & You announced the 2015 winners of the digital health start-up contest, CanSurround, represented by Meg Maley, CEO and Liza Bernstein advisor in first place and MedClinik, the runner-up represented by Claire Kamoun, CanSurround is based in Wilmington, Delaware and MedClinik in Montreal, Quebec.
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