COVID-19 Research Database
Veradigm is a founding collaborator of a consortium of leading healthcare companies who announced the launch of the COVID-19 Research Database earlier this week. The COVID-19 Research Database is a repository of HIPAA-compliant, de-identified and limited patient-level data sets that are intended to be made available to public health and policy researchers pro-bono, enabling them to extract insights to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic. As a collaborator of the consortium, Veradigm has committed to provide de-identified EHR patient data for nearly 60 million U.S. patients with a recent encounter.
COVID-19 Clinical Workflow Initiatives
Among its early efforts to help physicians identify patients at risk, Veradigm implemented a reminder that appears during the EHR log in process reminding providers to ask patients about recent travel and potential exposure when they present symptoms associated with COVID-19. It also began alerting physicians when a diagnostic code they enter for a patient aligns with CDC clinical criteria for COVID-19. The alert is displayed prominently, signals to the physician that the diagnosis is associated with COVID-19 and provides a link to CDC guidelines.Most recently, Veradigm began deploying free video-conferencing services to its EHR providers, enabling them to deliver services during the peak period of this crisis through telemedicine, and helping control further contamination. Over the past months, Veradigm has offered valuable patient engagement tools to its customers, such as HIPAA-compliant secure texting and broadcast messaging.
Other initiatives Veradigm has taken include:
- Implementing COVID-19 questionnaires within the software that enable documentation of current symptoms, recent travel outside the country and more.
- Establishing a connection to the CDC website from within several places in the provider workflow within the EHR.
- Launching a Physician and Patient resource section within its website that includes information on preparedness, screening and testing, prevention and control, management and treatment and patient education.
- Offering providers video chat services to support telehealth.
- Providing ePrescribe software that is EHR agnostic and can be used by any practice even if they don’t use its EHR.
- Implementing changes to development process, enabling Veradigm to be swifter in implementing new alerts, diagnostic codes and other related efforts into the workflow of its EHR.
Veradigm is also continuing its long-standing policy to offer its EHR services free of charge to the local Free Clinics who are at the front line of this pandemic.
"We, at Veradigm, pledge to do our utmost to maintain the highest levels of service, reliability, and insight for patients and the providers that serve them," said Veradigm CEO, Tom Langan. "Our solutions are an integral part of toolsets that medical professionals are using to care for their patients, whether in person or telehealth."
About Veradigm™
Veradigm is an integrated data systems and services company that combines data-driven clinical insights with actionable tools to help healthcare stakeholders improve the quality, efficiency, and value of healthcare delivery - including biopharma, health plans, healthcare providers, health technology partners, and most importantly, the patients they serve. We are dedicated to simplifying the complicated healthcare system with next-generation healthcare solutions. This is how we are transforming health, insightfully.
About Allscripts
Allscripts (NASDAQ: MDRX) is a leader in healthcare information technology solutions that advance clinical, financial and operational results. Our innovative solutions connect people, places and data across an Open, Connected Community of Health™. Connectivity empowers caregivers and consumers to make better decisions, delivering better care for healthier populations.