The system of choice was the PMO-system supplied by CompuGroup Medical, (former know as Profdoc) and the contract was signed late June 2010. The contact has a planned time-frame of 5 years, with an optional 5 years extension.
At The Region of Skåne they are very satisfied that they can start to implement the new system. "The tender process lasted longer than expected, but we will now begin the implementation project after the summer in order to follow our timeline," explains Ulf Swanstein, head of the Primary Care in Skåne. The implementation project is expected to be completed within a year, and comprises all primary care institutions within the Region of Skåne which also covers the private GP's in the region.
"We are naturally very proud and content that the Region of Skåne chose PMO as their future system for the primary care," explains Linus Fred, General Manager at CompuGroup Medical. Linus Fred adds, "We have built PMO to provide the best possible support for exactly the type of healthcare that the Region of Skåne is offering, and we are convinced that we, together with the region, will be able to successfully implement PMO within the coming year."
PMO has been on the Swedish and international market since 2005 and it today used at several hundreds of installations in Sweden in the primary care and school healthcare. The contract with the Region of Skåne cements CompuGroup Medical's position in Scandinavia where the company is the leading provider of IT-solutions for the primary care in Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
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About CompuGroup Medical AG
CompuGroup Medical is one of the leading e-health companies worldwide. Its software products, designed to support all medical and organizational activities in doctors’ offices and hospitals, its information services for all parties involved in the healthcare system and its web-based personal health records contribute towards safer and more efficient healthcare. The services of CompuGroup Medical are based on its unique customer base of around 360,000 doctors, dentists, hospitals and networks as well as other service providers. CompuGroup Medical is the e-Health company with one of the biggest coverage among e-health service providers worldwide. The company operates in 14 European countries as well as in Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and in the USA and currently employs around 2,800 people.