European eHealth Week 2011 Confirms Participation of Prominent Organizations, Partners, Exhibitors and Country Pavilions
10 - 12 May 2011, Budapest, Hungary.
eHealth Week 2011 announced that some of the world's most prestigious and influential eHealth organisations and industry partners will participate in this year's event to exchange views with EU governments representatives.
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Designing Personalized Healthcare
11 - 13 October 2011, Hamburg, Germany.
Improving the quality of healthcare, increasing the efficiency of the systems and ensuring patient empowerment - these are the common goals worldwide when discussing the necessary transformation of the systems in order to guarantee a sustainable healthcare delivery in the future.
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Doctors 2.0 & You Conference to Examine Impact of Web 2.0 in Healthcare from Physician Perspective
22 - 23 June 2011, Paris, France.
Doctors 2.0™ & You, a first-time conference examining how doctors use social media and Web 2.0 tools to connect with patients, colleagues, pharma, payers and hospitals, will be held at the Cité Universitaire Internationale in Paris.
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European Connectathon Moves to Pisa, Italy
11 - 15 April 2011, Pisa, Italy
The Eleventh Annual European interoperability testing event, known as the IHE Connectathon, will be held in Pisa, at the Stazione Leopolda, a former railway station transformed into a magnificent multifunctional centre ideally suited as a venue for this pan-European gathering.
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Capita's Electronic Health Records Conference
5 May 2011, London, United Kingdom.
Electronic Health Records are a major focus of the Coalition's Liberating the NHS: An Information Revolution strategic review on information management across health and social care.
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Video Pitch Doctors 2.0 & You
22 - 23 June 2011, Paris, France.
Doctors 2.0™ & You is the first conference in Europe devoted to how today's doctors use social media and Web 2.0 tools to connect with patients, colleagues, pharma, payers and hospitals, will be held on June 22-23, 2011 at the Cité Universitaire Internationale in Paris, France.
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Registration is Open for the Largest pan-European eHealth Conference & Exhibition
10 - 12 May 2011, Budapest, Hungary.
The Hungarian Presidency of the EU is preparing to host the largest pan-European eHealth conference: eHealth week 2011 - which will focus on achieving maximum benefit in an age of austerity.
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