Med-e-Tel 2010 - Annual, International Telemedicine and eHealth Forum
The 8th edition of Med-e-Tel, the International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum, will take place on 14-16 April 2010 at Luxexpo, the Luxembourg Exhibition and Congress Center.
conhIT 2010 - Improving Operating Conditions with IT
20-22 April 2010, Berlin, Germany.
Organised by the German Association of the Healthcare IT Industry (VHitG) and Messe Berlin, this year conhIT 2010 is cooperating with the 127th Congress of the German Society for Surgery which takes place at the same time. The use of modern IT solutions in surgery is impressive proof that IT-based solutions in medicine make life easier not just for financial controllers and administrative heads in hospitals.
Moving Beyond EMRs to Sustainable Business Models for Telecare
14-16 April 2010, Luxembourg.
Dr. Mark Blatt, Global Director of Health Industry Solutions for Intel's Digital Health Group will present his views on sustainable business models for telecare/telehealth and on telemedicine as the preferred model of care for the 21st century at Med-e-Tel 2010.
conhIT 2010 - Industry Fair, Congress, Academy and Networking
From 20 to 22 April 2010 all the activities on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds will be focused on the subject of IT in the healthcare system. All the main players will be meeting at "conhIT - Connecting Healthcare IT", Europe's largest and most comprehensive event for this sector, where they can learn about the latest developments in the industry, make contacts and obtain high level advanced training.
Clinical Telemedicine Course at Med-e-Tel 2010
14-16 April 2010, Luxembourg.
Dr. Jan von Overbeck, Chief Medical Officer of MEDGATE, the Swiss Center for Telemedicine, will present a Clinical Telemedicine Course on Friday April 16th at Med-e-Tel 2010.
ICT 2010 Exhibition Call: Deadline Extended
27-29 September 2010, Brussels, Belgium.
The European Commission has extended the deadline for the Exhibition Call at ICT2010 to 15 April 2010. Any organisation involved in European research and development is invited to submit their ideas for an exhibit at ICT2010.
Call for Abstracts - VPH Research to Business Session
8-9 September 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
The vision of the Virtual Physiological Human is a grand challenge. A key feature of the VPH initiative is the promise of some low-hanging fruits, applications where the power of multiscale simulation technology can be placed into clinical and industrial practices in the not-so-distant future.