Based on the experience and results from the laboratory and field tests with the existing Generation 0 of the electronic health card, gematik (Gesellschaft für Telematikanwendungen der Gesundheitskarte mbH) created new specifications for a Generation 1 card for the planned nationwide rollout. In partnership with Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), Sagem Orga has now embodied this specification in a fully operational card. Before cards can be issued, it is necessary to prove that the systems of the health insurers can update data on insured persons online on the electronic health card securely and reliably, for example when a person's address changes. This proof of the online capability of the components in the telematics infrastructure is essential for full-scale rollout of the electronic health card. As part of this, TK is involved with other funding agencies in the "ProOnline-VSDD" project. "Even though the telematics infrastructure is not yet in place in the initial reference region at the time of the launch, we want to give the market a card from the outset that can be updated online and so is future-proof," said Frank Siener, Head of Corporate Development at TK.
gematik, which was founded in 2005 by the umbrella organizations of the German health system with the aim of introducing a telematics infrastructure with a new electronic health card, uses complex methods for testing cards to enable their subsequent approval. The Generation 1 card from Sagem Orga is now the first card to undergo testing in the new environment at gematik. Christopher Goulet, Head of Sales for Central and Eastern Europe, Banking, Health and ID, at Sagem Orga, stated: "Early availability of our Generation 1 cards underscores our claim to be the leader in electronic health cards and we believe it can give more security and a new boost to the project. Together with Techniker Krankenkasse, we are setting store by continuous innovation so that we from the industry can help drive optimum rollout of the electronic health card."
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About Sagem Orga
Sagem Orga has subsidiaries in France, Great Britain, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey, India, Singapore, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Spain, Austria and the U.S. In addition, numerous partners around the world sell Sagem Orga products, keeping Sagem Orga close to its customers. For more information, please visit http://www.sagem-orga.com.