"With each new release, we complement the software application with features drawn from field experience and user feedback," said Olivier Boulland, Chief Marketing Officer. "CD-in can be deployed at registration desks, in the film room or any other place where prior studies on media need to be imported into the PACS of the institution."
External studies are quickly imported using configurable matching criteria and rules. Patient demographics and IDs for external images are automatically reconciled to make them consistent with internal patient demographics and IDs. It significantly optimizes the integration of outside images into a PACS. It also reduces to a minimum the time spent on the import workflow while allowing for the flexibility required to handle various import contexts.
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ETIAM is a worldwide leader providing connectivity and interoperability solutions for the medical imaging industry. The company's expertise on international healthcare standards such as DICOM, HL7 and IHE profiles, uniquely positions it to provide both development toolkits for OEMs and software solutions for hospitals and medical facilities that can be implemented throughout the world. ETIAM product portfolio focuses on importing, manipulating, displaying and distributing medical images along with relevant clinical data for integration with PACS and HIS applications. For more information, visit www.etiam.com.