VAMED develops in conjunction with the respective hospital a comprehensive IT concept that supports all workflows and improves the flow of information, simplifying interfaces thereby reducing the demands on documentation. The IT specialists take the existing systems into consideration, choose fitting, innovative products in the marketplace, and integrate those to a comprehensive solution optimally adjusted to the workflows of the respective hospital. From now on, VAMED offers its customers c.a.r.u.s. HMS software solutions. Included are highly specialized tools, e.g., Operating room resource management software and electronic doctor's letters as well as the "everything taken care of" package solution cHMS|EasyRun designed for small and medium hospitals.
Currently, this cooperation is put through its paces with a pilot project in the Romanian city of Oradea. In the city's central hospital, VAMED oversees the implementation of the c.a.r.u.s. HMS ward management system. Initially, the core functions of patient administration, transfer, discharge, and electronic doctor's letter will be integrated. Subsequently, the processes for ordering and reporting sonography diagnostics will be implemented. After completing this pilot project, scheduled for December 2009, the software shall be introduced in Oradea's five municipal hospitals as well.
"c.a.r.u.s. software products come out of the day to day clinic experience and thus optimally support workflows in medicine and patient care", says Holger Dettmann, General manager at VAMED to which Dr. Matthias Rath, General Manger at c.a.r.u.s. HMS adds, "Based on their years of experience in directing the technical hospital components VAMED is well versed with these processes and can meld singular IT systems into a user oriented total solution."
VAMED will take the lead in joint projects and provide project management, the software configuration to user demands, and the necessary user training. Based on the gathered experience c.a.r.u.s. HMS will improve existing software tools and provide new tools to the health care community.
VAMED Germany is one of the leading service providers for hospitals. The work centers on all non-medical tasks in hospitals from maintenance and repair of medical-, IT-, and hospital devices via Facility Management to the total technical management. In addition, the company, located in Berlin, plans, finances, and realizes building projects for health care down all the way to handing over the keys. VAMED also advises in hospital management and set up. One of its largest customers is the Charité university hospital, Berlin and the university hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf. VAMED Germany is part of the VAMED group located in Vienna, Austria with its majority in the hands of the Fresenius health care group. The VAMED group is world leading in the service and project management sector for hospitals, health centers, thermal resorts, and spas. The group employs more than 2,800 employees directly. Including all of its management portfolio VAMED has across all nations responsibility for about 10,000 employees. Since its foundation in 1982, the group has in about 50 countries realized 470 projects in the healthcare sector. 2008, the company achieved revenues of 524 million Euros. For more information, visit
About c.a.r.u.s. HMS (cHMS)
c.a.r.u.s. HMS (cHMS) develops high performance software solutions in the areas of health care and life science. For many years now, the highly integrated hospital information system (HIS) from cHMS is successfully deployed. The latest development from cHMS, its CDA based and platform independent medical information system myMedis®, presents the next generation medical workplace. Nationally and internationally the products from cHMS are well known. cHMS is determined to guide software projects from the initial business workflow models to its deployment on the end user's machine, to provide long term support, and, if requested, to accept project responsibility. With experience in excess of 20 years and accrued competence every started software project has been successfully completed. For more information, visit