"The first national health cards will be issued in early January 2011. All insured citizens will receive such a national health card," Health Minister Attila Cseke has stated.
The national health card will contain identification data of the person, proof of health insurance contribution to date, number of applications for medical services and life-threatening medical diagnoses.
"Basically, this card will provide to medical service provider information on medical diagnoses and treatments applied or considered by the patient," the Minister has stated.
Minister has pointed out some of the benefits of this project, namely: reducing red tape when proving the quality of the insured, higher quality medical acts by the information contained in this card and that can be immediately accessed by providers, and rapid identification of levels of coverage of services and their payments by the National Health Insurance House.
"We will propose that the issuance should be made primarily for employees and individuals who contribute with a sum to the National Health Insurance House, and after this stage, we get to issuing cards for other categories of persons, who by law have this quality," Minister has added.
Cards will be transmitted through the Romanian Post, to the domicile of each insured. Such cards will be granted to around 18 million Romanian citizens, who today have the insured quality, either by law effect or the effect of their contribution.
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