The results, which establish Denmark as having the best market pre-requisites needed for an mHealth business, are based on the average of the scores in five categories: eHealth adoption, level of digitalisation, market potential, ease of starting an mHealth business and mHealth regulatory framework.
Hans Erik Henriksen, CEO of Healthcare Denmark commented on the survey findings: "Denmark has a very digitalised society and is familiar with using technology in healthcare, supported by a regulatory framework. The research2gudiance and HIMSS Europe survey confirms the progress we are making. I sincerely hope that this will inspire the European countries and mHealth community in their efforts to progress mobile solutions, which will make a big difference for our citizens."
Denmark ranked top country for eHealth adoption being the only country where exchanging patients’ medical data electronically is used amongst 91% of doctors, whereas the average of other covered countries is only 34%. In terms of market attractiveness and healthcare investments, Denmark is at the top in the mHealth market potential category, together with Austria which also has one of the highest expenditures for health. The ease of starting mHealth business category describes how easy it is to start and maintain a new business based on the number of days needed to start business, the number of necessary start-up procedures to register a business and the level of tax and, in this case, Denmark also ranked extremely high, as the smaller countries - Ireland was also top in this category - tend to support new businesses better compared to larger countries.
Rainer Herzog, General Manager at HIMSS Europe, added: "This year's survey has revealed that the market conditions for mHealth which Denmark offers are truly remarkable. This has been the largest global mHealth research study to date and there are different learnings that could be drawn from the EU countries' mHealth App Market Ranking. Ultimately though, although mHealth is still it is an emerging market, and a number of countries in Europe are currently in the process of defining their mHealth roadmaps, Denmark leads the way in all aspects."
Download the full mHealth study report here.
About the EU Countries' mHealth App Market Ranking
The EU Countries' mHealth App Market Ranking is a part of mHealth App Developer Economics, the largest global mHealth research programme. This year more than 4,400 app developers, healthcare professionals and mHealth practitioners have shared their opinion on the global and EU market conditions.
This practitioners view is combined with detailed facts based on market readiness assessments for each country, based on five dimensions and 26 market condition criteria including eHealth adoption, level of digitalization, market size and health expenditure, ease of starting a business and the mHealth regulatory framework.
About research2guidance
Research2guidance is a strategy advisory and market research company. Research2guidance concentrates on the mobile app eco-system and are convinced that mobile health solutions will make a difference to people's lives and that the impact on the healthcare industry will be significant. The organisation provides insights to make it happen and to successfully lead a business.
About HIMSS Europe
HIMSS Europe is a global, cause-based, not-for-profit organization focused on better health through information technology (IT). HIMSS leads efforts to optimize health engagements and care outcomes using information technology.
HIMSS is a cause-based, global enterprise producing health IT thought leadership, education, events, market research and media services around the world. Founded in 1961, HIMSS WorldWide encompasses more than 52,000 individuals, of which more than two-thirds work in healthcare provider, governmental and not-for-profit organisations across the globe, plus over 600 corporations and 250 not-for-profit partner organisations, that share this cause. HIMSS WorldWide, headquartered in Chicago, serves the global health IT community with additional offices in the United States, Europe, and Asia.