"Many digital patient medical records systems have, until now, been a source of frustration for the clinical community," said Ian. "IMMJ Systems has developed fast, easy-to-use technology that helps clinicians do their jobs, rather than act as a barrier. MediViewer shows that good digital health technology can cost less and be delivered quickly without having to sacrifice quality."
In a precursor for what has now become the chief clinical information officer (CCIO) role, the now-retired surgeon developed and implemented IT systems in clinical and non-clinical areas, and in later years he was involved with IT strategy.
Ian brings 34 years' experience of working in NHS hospitals, the last 20 years of which were as a consultant colorectal surgeon at Basildon Hospital. From 2009 to 2015 he was the clinical lead for a project at the hospital that implemented electronic patient medical records and back-scanned the historic archive. Ian brings a unique combination of clinical and IT experience to the team.
"Ian's pioneering work in the field of clinical informatics, and his considerable experience of electronic patient medical records implementations, gives us access to unrivalled expertise relevant to the needs of our clients," said Michael van de Weg, director of IMMJ Systems. "We look forward to working with Ian as part of our ambitious plans for growth in the UK digital healthcare market."
Ian will work alongside the growing team at IMMJ Systems, which has many years' combined experience in the development and implementation of electronic medical records and document management (EDRM) technology.
Based in the MedBIC enterprise hub in Chelmsford, IMMJ Systems launched its MediViewer digital patient medical records solution to help the NHS and other healthcare providers reduce the time and resource spent managing paper medical records. It comes without the need for excessive support and software costs, and so enables a rapid return on investment.
About IMMJ Systems
IMMJ Systems develops scalable, intelligent information solutions for healthcare that deliver real value. The company has been built on the core experience of the management team having worked for many years in healthcare, technology and business. Together they share a vision of taking a pragmatic approach to electronic document and records management for hospitals and other healthcare providers across both the NHS and private sector.
About MediViewer
MediViewer from IMMJ Systems is an intelligent electronic medical documents and records management solution that has been developed specifically for the UK healthcare market. Its unique and tailored approach means that it rapidly supports the paperless journey for healthcare organisations, and at a fraction of the cost of its competitors.
Healthcare organisations scan their paper records and case notes into MediViewer using an appropriate system. MediViewer then indexes these records with essential metadata. This enables the healthcare professional to locate information such as historical appointments, encounter documentation and associated referrals and actions.
MediViewer supports BS10008 compliance and ensures the patient record cannot be deleted or altered in any way, as well as providing a full audit trail. Its version control technology enables a healthcare professional to view documents in context within a patient medical record, reflecting how they were at any previous point in time since scanning and archiving. As it has been developed from the ground up, it comes without the need for third party software, thus reducing overall costs and maintenance headaches.