Using Medelinked, individuals are already able to create a health profile online that is secure and connect and choose to share their health record with their network of trusted health partners and providers (including doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, trainers, insurers and clinical researchers).
Now, healthcare professionals can access and securely communicate and collaborate with other healthcare professionals in their patients' Medelinked Health Networks using both Medelinked secure messaging and secure video chat services to help optimise patient care, wellbeing and health.
All decisions reached and new data generated this way is automatically recorded into the patient’s personal Medelinked health account.
Salesforce App Exchange
This functionality, including the ability to communicate using Salesforce Chatter enterprise social network & collaboration software, is also available via the Medelinked App released on the Salesforce AppExchange.
Now available for download, as well as incorporating Medelinked's core functionality Salesforce developers can, for instance, create applications for healthcare provider organisations that allow for Medelinked patient health timelines to be viewed alongside all their details in Salesforce.
Medelinked is a Registered Salesforce ISV partner and Medelinked is compatible with Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Force.com, and Developer Editions. Tabs, objects, and apps in the Medelinked package don't count against the Salesforce limits in the organisation.
Free to NHS patients, doctors and healthcare professionals
Medelinked recently announced that the Medelinked mobile health app for Android and iOS is available free to NHS patients, doctors and healthcare professionals.
This coincided with the launch of a new initiative that the UK’s NHS believes will accelerate uptake of new medtech devices and apps for patients with diabetes, heart conditions, asthma, sleep disorders, and other chronic health conditions, and many other areas such as infertility and pregnancy, obesity reduction and weight management, and common mental health disorders.
In this respect, the Medelinked App, now can provide patients with access to unique integrated support environment featuring: their securely stored personal medical records; the ability to get immediate access to emergency medical assistance, as well as other information, advice and support services including talking directly to healthcare professionals from iOS, Android and PC devices; access cover details - wherever they are located in the World.
Key catalyst for healthcare innovation
Ian Gallifant, founder and CEO, Medelinked says: "Improving healthcare outcomes requires companies to continually fuel innovation to further improve the quality of healthcare providers' customer service.
With these new features, and also brought together with a CRM approach, Medelinked has the potential to be a key catalyst for healthcare innovation and the basis for a new more efficient and effective relationship between patient and healthcare professional."
Medelinked is available free to individual NHS patients, doctors and healthcare professionals here: https://app.medelinked.com/home/register
Find Medelinked on the Salesforce AppExchange here: http://sforce.co/1I6eEiL
About Salesforce AppExchange
Salesforce AppExchange is the world's leading enterprise apps marketplace that empowers companies to sell, service, market and engage in entirely new ways. With more than 2,800 partner apps and more than 3 million customer installs, it is the most comprehensive source of social, mobile and connected cloud apps for business.
Salesforce, App Cloud, AppExchange and others are among the trademarks of salesforce.com, inc.
About Medelinked
Leveraging mobile technology and the cloud, Medelinked technology aims to increase health care effectiveness.
In use in over 80 countries around the world, Medelinked Health Cloud and API is the leading platform already powering some of the best mHealth applications allowing developers to create a series of new applications that deliver real health benefits to the end user and healthcare professionals.
Using Medelinked individuals are able to create a health profile online that is secure and connect and share their health record with their network of trusted health partners and providers (including doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, trainers, insurers, clinical researchers).
Managing all health data in one place helps individuals securely track, monitor and improve their health state, ensuring their latest health data is accessed and enabling the provision of best possible care, keeping individuals in control of their own health.
Based in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, Medelinked was founded in 2005 and named as one of the Global Digital Health 100 for 2015.