VR4REHAB organizes an audition process that will see some of Europe's best developers compete to create products that use virtual reality, augmented reality, and digital technology to help rehabilitate people who have suffered from COVID-19. Virtual and Augmented Reality can help optimizing rehabilitation protocols, accelerating patients' recovery, promoting treatment adherence, and easing reintegration into daily life.
The "Hackathon" will be a digital event, from 17 to 21 May 2021, bringing together XR developers with clinical experts, academics, researchers and Covid-19 patients. It is compulsory to attend only the pitch on Friday, the rest of the programme is facultative and VR4REHAB will offer background info, coaching, a platform for team contact, feedback on concept pitches during the all week. The winning ideas will move to the Dev Jam phase in which the ideas will be worked out into concepts. This phase will last from May till August 2021. In the Challenge phase, the three best concepts will receive financial support to turn it into innovative XR solutions for Long Covid rehabilitation.
Are you ready to present your best idea?
For further information and to register, please visit:
VR4REHAB was born in 2017 as an Interreg NWE project focused on developing VR based rehabilitation tools in co-creation with seven European partners.Virtual Reality (VR) is booming worldwide, but in the healthcare sector, specifically rehabilitation, VR is in its early days. There are not yet tools specifically designed to provide an environment that enables non-experts and their therapists to safely extend rehabilitation outside the clinics. VR4REHAB was created to meet this need, and to optimizing rehabilitation protocols for patients and their therapists. Researchers and clinical personnel of VR4REHAB work together to provide the patients with challenging VR interventions that can help to optimize rehabilitation protocols, accelerate recovery, promote adherence to treatment, and to facilitate reintegration into daily life.