iMDsoft Chosen by Klinikverbund Kempten-Oberallgäu in Germany
iMDsoft®, a leader in clinical information systems, announced that Klinikverbund Kempten-Oberallgäu in Germany, a hospital with four sites in Kempten, Immenstadt, Oberstdorf and Sonthofen, chose MetaVision for all of its ICUs, intermediate care units and operating rooms.
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Anoto Digital Writing Ensures Reduction of Duplicated Information at University Hospital of Wales
Anoto, the creator of digital writing technology, has announced that the maternity department of University Hospital of Wales, part of Cardiff & Vale University Health Board, is using its digital pen technology to record results of foetal fibronectin (FFN) tests and digitise test results to reduce time spend on administration and ensure the hospital has digital records of test results.
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High-Tech Medical Equipment and "Putin's palace"
According to a Reuters investigation a luxurious estate on the Black Sea known as "Putin's Palace," was partly funded by taxpayer money from a hospitals modernisation project. The investigation describes how two associates of Putin made profits by buying high-tech medical equipment through a British company and selling it in Russia at much higher prices.
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Entertainment is the Best Medicine
Dublin's Temple Street Children's University Hospital recently re-opened their Top Flat ward - equipped with patient entertainment units from Lincor. These PatientLINC devices are initially focused on providing TV, movies, Radio, Movies on demand and the ability to plug in the child's own games console but there are advanced plans to enhance the offering by including internet access, video messaging, patient information and patient surveys in the short term.
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Opinion Article: 'Pilotitis' and Bureaucracy are Stunting Healthcare Advances
By Matt Hunt of Apadmi and Dr. Farid Khan of eLucid mHealth.
The mHealth market has never been in better shape with a flurry of start-ups and established players developing hardware and solutions that will change the face of modern day medicine. The drivers of change include better managing the increasing burden of ageing populations, the need for improved healthcare in remote and developed geographies and the opportunities that technology brings for diagnostics, preventative medicine and patient monitoring.
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IMS MAXIMS Named as Only EPR and PAS Open Source Supplier in Technology Fund Two Catalogue
IMS MAXIMS has been named as one of 11 open source suppliers in a 'catalogue' designed to support NHS England’s technology fund two, officially called the Integrated Digital Care Fund, which opened for applications last week.
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Integrated Care and Communication Across Sectors in New Zealand
Times are changing: the era of fragmented healthcare is nearing its end. Awareness has been growing in many health systems as a result of the major challenges which lie ahead - growing pressure on healthcare resources due to demographic change; increasing quality requirements, and tightening of budgets - can only be met by restructuring the whole approach to the provision of healthcare.
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