Freeborn's keynote address, "There and back again - a pharmacist's tale", will describe how pharmacy management in the NHS has witnessed many changes over the years, yet advanced relatively little.
In a recent article, Freeborn said traditionally the NHS lacked the drive to make e-prescribing a reality but the current cost cutting is a game-changer, as it risks patient safety.
"The line-up of distinguished speakers from academia and the NHS promises a lively debate and useful exchange of ideas," said Adrian Stevens, managing director of iSOFT's UK and Ireland business, who is hosting the events.
Both ePMA Excellence Forums are free and open to anyone wanting to learn more about the realities of implementing an e-prescribing and medicines administration (ePMA) system. To reserve a place, click here.
Other speakers and sessions include:
- Dr Rachel Howard, University of Reading; “People and computers: error producing or defensive?”
- Prof Tim Dornan, University of Maastricht; “Education and the impact on prescribing behaviours.”
There are also sessions offering some practical advice on implementing ePMA systems in the NHS:
- Helen Bennett, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust; “Establishing baseline and performance measures.”
- Alex Jennings, University Hospital Aintree; “ePMA risks and benefits.”
- Steve Wardell and Bala Sridhar, The Christie Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; “Implementing a complex ePMA solution.”
Related news articles:
- iSOFT's Profile
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Headquartered in Banbury, UK, iSOFT is one of the world's largest healthcare IT companies serving 13,000 healthcare providers in over 40 countries across five continents. Its software product portfolio is one of the most extensive available, covering every aspect of healthcare delivery and planning. These include interoperable e-health solutions that build on existing systems to maximise current investments.
iSOFT's business is driven by the collective talent, experience and commitment of over 3,000 specialists in 19 countries. Through a global network of subsidiaries and extensive partner network, iSOFT also has substantial experience of national healthcare sectors and expert knowledge of local market needs.
iSOFT is a CSC company.