The main objective is to offer a secure peer-to-peer network allowing the exchange of Patient Summaries and ePrescriptions, which will pave the way to reach the following general objectives:
- enable seamless cross-border care and secure access to patient health information between European healthcare systems, particularly with respect to the exchange of Patient Summary and ePrescription.
- contribute to patient safety by reducing the frequency of medical errors and by providing quick access to patient health information, as well as by increasing the accessibility of a patient's own prescriptions, also when abroad.
- provide medical personnel with life-saving information in emergency situations and reduce the repetition of diagnostic procedures.
The maximum co-financing rates of EU financial assistance to be granted under this call for proposals will not exceed 75% of eligible costs of the action.
All practical information on this call for proposals and the evaluation process is detailed in the Guide for Applicants. It is available, together with the application forms, model grant agreement, the 2015 work programme, and other relevant documents on the call web page accessible via this link: https://ec.europa.eu/inea/en/connecting-europe-facility/cef-telecom/apply-funding/2015-cef-telecom-call-ehealth-2015-cef-tc-2015.
Proposals must be submitted electronically using the TENtec eSubmission module. The electronic submission of all parts of the proposal must be completed at the latest by Tuesday, 15 March 2016 at 17:00 Brussels time.
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