The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU between EUR 3 and 5 million would allow these areas to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Expected Impact:
- Better acceptance of eHealth solutions among patients
- Encouraging Member States to widen the use of eHealth
- Ensuring the right of patients to cross-border healthcare
- Supporting the development of European legal and operational standards for cross-border data exchange and patient privacy protection
- Better protection against unauthorised use of personal data, breach of confidentiality and cybercrime
- Increasing the awareness of stakeholders, private and public ones, on the current level of data security.
- Definition of clear architectures that will promote interoperability between eHealth solutions
Deadline Date: 16-02-2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Type of action: RIA Research and Innovation action.
For topic conditions, documents and submission service, please visit:
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