This achievement proves that information in people’s health and care records can be shared wherever and whenever it is needed for care. Professionals with access to shared care records will have critical information for care at their fingertips and people won't have to repeat their story to each professional they encounter during their care and treatment.
The milestone was achieved through close co-operation between the two organisations, whichinterrogatedeachline of the standard to ensure Orion Health's shared care record captured and displayed vital information to support professionals providing care.
The PRSB is now encouraging more suppliers to follow suit, to advanceconnectivity and to enable integrated care.A number of its existing partners are now preparing to embark on the standards conformance process, with achievement recognised by the PRSB Quality Mark.
Lorraine Foley, Chief Executive of the PRSB, said: "Orion Health's achievement marks a genuine milestone on the journey to improve digital information sharing in health and care. We are delighted to congratulate Orion Health on becoming the first of our partners to put themselves through rigorous, independent assessment of the Core Information Standard and come out of it successfully. Both organisations have learned and gained from the process and we are applying the learning going forward.
"The standard is fundamental to sharing people's care records and is the cornerstone of Integrated Care Systems' shared care records.
"As the first organisation to successfully navigate the assessment process for this standard, Orion Health has demonstrated that standardised shared care records are entirely achievable, and I hope the dedication they have shownpaves the way for more innovators to follow suit."
Ben Wilson, Product Solution Director for Orion Health, said: "We are delighted to be the first supplier to achieve conformance against the PRSB Core Information Standard.
"The standard defines a set of validated information that can potentially be shared between systems in different sites and settings, amongst health and care professionals using the service for the purpose of direct care. To ensure information flows through the system for the benefit of patients, we need to be focusing on interoperability standards; what data is required and how should it be shared.
"The Core Information Standard will advance these conversations. We will all be able to say: 'this is our common understanding of the information that needs to be shared in order to help drive operational efficiency and improve patient outcomes, so this is what we as an industry need to be sharing - now let's work out the best way to do it. We fully encourage other suppliers in the industry to get an appreciation for the standard.
"A large part of the conformance process involved an open dialogue with the PRSB team and we highly valued their guidance and clinical expertise based on real-world experience throughout the process. We have now embedded the standard into our core product development lifecycle and will use it to help inform all future product design activities. Our updated system is already available to a subset of customers, and we are excited about rolling the solution out further."
About the Professional Record Standards Body
The PRSB is a community interest company that develops health and care standards applicable throughout the UK. The Core Information Standard was developed to define the information that can potentially be shared between the IT systems used in different settings and the professionals who use them.The PRSB is dedicated to the development and implementation of standards in health and social care to improve the patient experience and help save lives.These cover, for example, hospital referral letters, handover communications, discharge summaries and inpatient and outpatient letters.
Through the Standards Partnership Scheme, our aim is to build stronger, mutually beneficial relationships between suppliers and providers, to accelerate the adoption and meaningful use of standards.
PRSB is campaigning for widespread adoption of the About Me standard.
The Core Information Standard was developed to support Integrated Care Systems to develop shared care records so that essential health and care information about individuals would flow to professionals, in any care setting, as needed.
A revised version, V2.0, has been published to provide additional information needed to support system suppliers and IT teams to implement the standard in IT systems.
About Orion Health
Orion Health is an award-winning, global healthcare technology company and one of the world's foremost providers of healthcare integration solutions to healthcare organisations.Worldwide, Orion Health solutions are used in 13 countries by more than 300,000 clinicians.
With nearly 30 years' experience in health, Orion Health provides an open platform which enables access to healthcare by more than 100 million patients across the world.
The company provides interoperability, population health management and precision medicine solutions for health information exchanges, shared care records, accountable care organisations and payers.
Orion Health is committed to continuous innovation, investing substantially in research and development to cement its position at the forefront of precision medicine.
Orion Health is a New Zealand company that has worked in the UK for more than 20years. Its shared care record provides the technical foundation for the Northern Ireland Electronic Care Record, the majority of Scotland's integrated digital care records, and some of England's best-known information sharing projects.
It also provides the care co-ordination, patient portal and data analytics services required for population health management. The company has been a committed advocate of open standards, is a founding member of INTEROPen, and is now a conformant PRSB partner.
Orion Health has also been assessed as conforming with the About Me standard, which captures information that matters to a patient, their family and carers.