The main objective of Q-REC is to create an efficient, credible and sustainable mechanism for the certification of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems in Europe by addressing mainly:
1. EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification Development, thereby:
- producing a State of the Art Report on EHR Certification Schemas as already implemented in at least three European countries;
- performing a Pan European Requirements Assay;
- proposing a profiling and classification system for EHRs to be certified;
- harmonising the EHR-Certification Procedures at a European level;
- drafting the Certification Guidelines and Procedures (inc. Legal);
- planning future Pilot Implementations.
- the inventory of Conformance Criteria and Guidance Documents for obtaining EHR Certification;
- an inventory and guidelines for EHR Archetypes;
- the registration of Coding Schemes in Europe (as mandated by CEN/TC 251);
- an inventory of existing and relevant EHR standards;
- an inventory of XML schemas and Open Source components for EHRs.
- defining the Formal Test Plans for EHR Certification;
- preparing the Business Plan for EHRCertification related Services.
For further information, please visit:
Project co-ordinator:
- EuroRec (Europe, coordinator)
- ProRec (IL)
- ProRec (FR)
- ProRec (BE)
- ProRec (DE)
- University College London (UK)
- ProRec (SI)
- ProRec (BG)
- ProRec (RO)
- TNO (NL)
Timetable: from 01/05 to 06/08
Total cost: 1.331.317
EC funding: 1.299.000
Instrument: SSA
Project Identifier: IST-2004-27370