The sector covers the business activities specified in NACE Rev. 1.1 Division 85.11 and focuses on acute care hospitals. In 2005, the number of acute care hospitals in the European Union Member States was around 13,000. They are typically large or mediumsized units in terms of employment and serve patients mainly from the city or region they are located in. Around 50% are public, 40% private for-profit and 10% private non-profit.
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About e-Business W@tch and this report
The European Commission, Enterprise and Industry Directorate General, launched the e-Business W@tch to monitor the growing maturity of electronic business across different sectors of the economy in the enlarged European Union, EEA and Accession countries. Since January 2002, the e-Business W@tch has analysed e-business developments and impacts in manufacturing, construction, financial and service sectors. All results are available on the internet and can be accessed or ordered via the Europa server or directly at the e-Business W@tch website
This document is a sector study by e-Business W@tch, focusing on Hospital Activities. Its objective is to describe how companies in this industry use ICT for conducting business, to assess the impact of this development for firms and for the industry as a whole, and to indicate possible implications for policy. Analysis is based on literature, interviews, case studies and a survey among decisionmakers in European enterprises from the Hospital Activities about the ICT use of their company.