Russian partner of the workshop is Professor Veronika I. Skvortsova, MD, Head of Neurology & Neurosurgery Clinic with Department of Fundamental Neurology and General Director of the Stroke Institute at Russian State Medical University, Vice-President of the National Stroke Association of the Russian Federation (NABI). Prof. Skvortsova and the invited experts will discuss and explore the latest NEST telemedical achievements and solutions applied to the neurological domain.
Prof. Thomas Meyer, director of the Charité clinic for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and other motoneural diseases will highlight the NEST ALSmanager project focused on home care treatment for patients with ALS. This project aims to establish a web based platform, which enables clinical studies, telemedical monitoring and treatment of the patients with ALS.
ALSmanager is designed to support each member in a patient support chain. All necessary patient parameters may be defined for the specific patients needs which allow the creation of the flexible profiles. Important data could also be imported from other homecare devices. The respective data upload could be individually defined for patients by the treating physician. Preconditions are the local PC, Internet access and specialised homecare devices able to transfer relevant patient data via the USB-port.
Additionally, the patient's data, collected by ALSmanager, could be easily imported, transferred to the ALSstudy or ALScare, two additional modules which enable design and execution of the clinical trial studies.
For further information and pre-registration, please visit: http://www.nest-telemedizin.de/index.php?id=33&L=1
About NEST
The Network for Integrated Systems in Telemedicine (NEST) is a consortia of private companies, research and medical institutions in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. NEST aims to support the network of partners in developing and marketing products, systems and methods in the eHealth/TeleMedicine area. As a result of the complementary structure of the network, the economic and innovative strength of the individual partners is increased. The direct involvement of medical care facilities ensures that products and services conceived in the network are developed, implemented and marketed. Activities are focused on the topics emergency medical aid, home care, standardization and clinical studies. For further information, please visit http://www.nest-telemedizin.de.